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Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

The Fairtrade cafe

On Friday 21st October we held a Fairtrade cafe in our hall.  This was to celebrate the end of a fantastic week of learning about Fairtrade and using our maths skills in practical situations.  The cafe was also about raising money so we could buy a goat.  Sadly the goat will not be for us, but it will be for a family in a different country who will look after it and use its milk.  We had a great time!  A lot of cake was eaten, Fairtrade tea, coffee and hot chocolate was drunk and lots of maths games were played.

What a great end to a fun week!  Thank you to Miss Fitch for all of her organisation, all the staff who helped support her and to the children for taking part with such enthusiasm.