Cedar - Year 1
Summer 2 - 'The Animal Kingdom'

Cedar's Home Learning Gallery

Summer 2 shout outs:
Big Maths Stars
Raymond, Elijah, Kyrie, Fraya, Tessy, Simon, Mohammad, Arjunan, Kadir, Melah and Mikhael.
Purple Mash Stars
Mikhael, Simon and Raymond
Lexia Stars
Eijah, Simon, Na'vae, Kadir, Raymond, Kyrie, Mikhael, Callie, Tessy, Isabel, Melah
Home learning in our showcase gallery:
Callie, Asher, Arjunan and Ellie
Hello Cedar class,
Hope you are all well
Below I have added some links to exciting lesson on BBC bitesize this week:
Maths - Find half of an object:
English - All about verbs
Music - Learn about beat and layering music
I have also added the link to our learning pack. This learning pack is avaliable from the school office. Please phone to request a Year 1 learning pack.
As always, Purple Mash, Big Maths, Lexia and Literacy planet are full of exciting educational games to explore. Please email me at cedar@kafed.org.uk if you would like any log ins.
I have added a link below to our topic learning grid. If you have completed any work you would like showcased on the website please send it to our class email address cedar@kafed.org.uk.
Have a great week,
Miss Fitch
Hello Cedar class,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend
Here are some links for your home learning this week.
Numbers to 100 - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7m8bqt
Identify and use questions in your writing - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zkg6wnb
Ensuring we eat a balanced diet and stay healthy - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7yb42p
The differences between cities, towns and villages
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zy2hqfr
I have also added the link to our learning pack. This learning pack is avaliable from the school office. Please phone to request a Year 1 learning pack.
As always, Purple Mash, Big Maths, Lexia and Literacy planet are full of exciting educational games to explore. Please email me at cedar@kafed.org.uk if you would like any log ins.
If you have completed any work you would showcased on the website please send it to our class email address cedar@kafed.org.uk.
Have a great week,
Miss Fitch
Year 1 Learning Pack Week of 29th June 2020
Hello Cedar class,
Today (22.6.20) is Windrush Day! Below, is a link sharing some information and activities. Please feel free to share with your children and celebrate the Windrush generation and the continued contributions towards the NHS and other Key service workforces.
I have created a gallery to showcase any of the home learning you have been doing. Please send any work to our class email address cedar@kafed.org.uk.
As always, Purple Mash, Big Maths, Lexia and Literacy planet are full of exciting educational games to explore. Please email me at cedar@kafed.org.uk if you would like any log ins.
The Elfrida school office have weekly paper packs of Maths, Reading and Writing activities. If you would like one, please call the Elfrida school office to request a pack.
In addition to these, below are links to some new learning for you to complete this week.
Have a lovely week
Miss Fitch
Good morning Cedar class, hope you all had a lovely weekend.
To continue your home learning, I have added lots of new activities to Purple Mash. These include new ebooks with questions and games, a letter format to write to your favourite book character, a fact file on your favourite animal as well as maths activities on money and measuring.
There is also new activities to complete on Big Maths, Lexia and Literacy Planet. If you need any log ins please email me at cedar@kafed.org.uk.
New weekly paper packs are avaliable from the Elfrida school office. Please call the office beforehand to request a pack. These cover daily activities for Maths, Reading and Writing.
For cross curriculum activities based on our topic 'The Animal Kingdom' please use the learning grid below. This covers lots of ideas which we would have been learning about in school during the Summer 2 term.
Below you can also find the ebook and activities for our class text 'Giraffes can't dance'.
Miss Fitch
Topic Learning Grid
Giraffes Can't Dance
Summer 2 stars (so far...)
Big Maths
Cedar Class Stars:
Simon, Fraya, Ellie, Kadir, Raymond and Arjunan
Purple Mash
Cedar Class Stars:
Simon, Ellie, Raymond, Igbunu, Isabel and Mikheal
Cedar Class Stars:
Simon, Raymond, Isabel, Kadir and Mohammad
Learning Grid
Below is a link for our new learning grid. This covers ideas for the learning, across the curriculum, with a focus on our topic 'The Animal Kingdom', which we would have been covering this half term.
You will find questions and project ideas for Science, R.E, Creative subjects, Geography, P.E, PSHCE and Spanish.
For Maths, Writing and Reading, please continue to use Lexia, Big Maths, Purple Mash and Literacy Planet. If you need any log ins for these websites or any guidance please email our class webpage: cedar@kafed.org.uk. Please also use this address to email any work or photos of the children's learning.
We also have paper packs of work for Maths, Reading and Writing. If you would like a pack, you need to call the school office to request one and then collect it from Elfrida School.
Miss Fitch
Topic Learning Grid
Hi Cedar Class,
As our topic this term is 'The Animal Kingdom' please take a look at the excellent link below. It is live stream of all the animals at Edinburgh Zoo. See what animals you can see and what they get up to each day.
Coming soon will be a learning grid full of ideas you can do at home to support your learning all about 'The Animal Kingdom'
You can still access Lexia, Big Maths, Purple mash and Literacy Planet, all which have learning activities for you to do. If you need any of your logins, please email cedar@kafed.org.uk.
BBC Bitesize are still creating great daily lessons; here are my recommendations for the week:
Literacy - writing questions correctly
Maths - Counting in 2's
Science - Learning about animals habitats
Music - Body Percussion
Have a lovely week
Miss Fitch
Welcome to Summer Term 2
Hi Cedar Class,
I hope you all have had a lovely half term break.
For this half term, our topic is 'The Animal Kingdom'. I have added lots of activities to purple mash, to share with you some of the learning we are doing on this topic. Have a go and I look forward to seeing your efforts.
Lexia, Big Maths, Purple mash and Literacy Planet have lots of new exciting learning games for you to do. If you need any of your logins, please email cedar@kafed.org.uk.
Keep using BBC bitesize daily lessons. Here are my three recommendations for this week:
Using Capital letters and full stops:
Parental help and guidance needed for this one:
Using any 'jam jars' you have at home and turning them in to music instruments:
Information and a quiz on the different animals in our world and how we can group them:
Have a lovely week and remember you can send me any work, pictures or photos of you working at home to our email address cedar@kafed.org.uk.
Miss Fitch
Good morning Cedar class,
I hope you all had a lovely weekend
Tomorrow, should have been our school sports day. As we are all still learning from home, we have decided that you can participate in activities and games at home with your families instead. Lots of extra information has been emailed to you and is also on the main page of our school website.
Parents/carers, I have added the links to all the activities that you can do at home as well as a editable certificate for the children.
Please take any photos of your stay at home sports day to share with us
Have fun!
In addition to our stay at home sports day:
- There are lots of new challenges for you to complete on Big Maths, Purple Mash and Lexia.
- BBC bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons. Choose Year 1 and then a subject. Each subject has a new daily video and then questions or work to complete. I highly recommend the lessons Fractions for maths and body percussion for Music.
Here are the links:
Week beg. 18.5.2020
Big Maths
Cedar Class Stars of the week:
Simon, Mohammad, Ellie and Arjunan
Purple Mash
Cedar Class Stars of the week:
Simon, Ellie and Mikheal
Cedar Class Stars of the week:
Simon and Mohammad
Good morning Cedar class,
I hope you all received my letter last week
To continue your learning at home:
- Big Maths, Lexia and Purple Mash have new weekly challenges for you to complete. Well done if you have logged in and completed any tasks so far!
- Also remember to visit the BBC Bitesize website for new daily lessons.
- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/dailylessons. Choose Year 1 and then a subject. Each subject has a new daily video and then questions or work to complete.
- Use this link for a science lesson on our senses. There is a video to watch and then questions to answer.
- https://www.stem.org.uk/remote-lessons/key-stage-1?utm_source=Adestra&utm_medium=email&utm_term=&utm_content=Key%20stage%201%20lessons&utm_campaign=Remote%20CPD%20-%2005.05
Hope you all have a lovely week Miss Fitch
Week beg. 11.5.2020
Good morning,
Big Maths
Cedar Class Stars of the week:
Simon, Mohammad, Raymond, Isabel and Arjunan
Purple Mash
Cedar Class Stars of the week:
Simon, isabel and Mikheal
Cedar Class Stars of the week:
Simon, Raymond, Tessy and Mohammad
Week beg. 4.5.2020
Hello everyone,
Big Maths
Cedar Class Stars of the week:
Simon, Liyana, Fraya, Ellie, Mohammad, Raymond and Arjunan
Purple Mash
Cedar Class Stars of the week:
Simon, Mohammad and Mikheal
Cedar Class Stars of the week:
Simon, Raymond, Tessy, Elijah and Mohammad
Here are some links for work you can so at home. You can print off the sheets or if you don't have access to a printer you can view them on a computer/tablet and write down your answers on paper or in a notebook.
Parent/Carers, there are printed packs of this work available to collect from Athelney school. Please call in advance so they can be prepared for you.
Big Maths, Lexia and Purple Mash have new weekly challenges for you to complete
Well done if you have logged in and completed any tasks!
Also remember to visit the BBC Bitesize website for new daily lessons.
Week beg. 27.4.2020
Hello everyone,
I hope you are all well and have enjoyed the sun over the weekend
Big Maths
Cedar Class Star of the week:
Topic Lessons
Here are two exciting lessons for you to have a go at; one is all about Antartica and the other looks at seasons and the weather. Enjoy.
PE : To keep you all fit and healthy, Lewisham Primary Sports have created a fun, action packed timetable for you all as well as some sporting challenges and activities. See how well you can do.
There is a free book on CORONAVIRUS for children by Elizabeth Jenner et.al. It has been Illustrated by Axel Scheffler, illustrator of the famous book “ Gruffalo” by Julia Donaldson.
You can also access the link directly on https://nosycrow.com/wpcontent/uploads/2020/04/Coronavirus-A-Book-for-Children.pdf
Week beg. 20th April
Hi Cedar class,
Firstly I miss you all lots!
While school is still closed, I have posted some new links to activities for you to try whilst you are at home.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zjpqqp3/year-1-lessons/1 - a great website with lots of fun exciting activities! Look out for David Attenborough’s geography lessons!
https://www.bigmaths.com/ - This is for you to log on and complete you learn it challenges.
http://www.math-exercises-for-kids.com/ - Click on the Maths age 6-7. I have taken a look and there are lots of activities you can do.
https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/ - an updated website with lots of new games to play
https://www.nsead.org/resources/remote-resources/ - lots of fun activities for you to be creative
https://www.youtube.com/user/ArtforKidsHub - videos on how to draw various things
https://www.nhs.uk/10-minute-shake-up/shake-ups NHS 10 minute Disney shake up games
https://www.nhs.uk/change4life/activities/indoor-activities NHS indoor activities for children.
As of next week, I am going to be announcing the class who have completed the most online Big maths challenges! I would LOVE it to be Cedar class! Please try and log on this week and complete them!
I have also added lots of new activities to purple mash.
Enjoy and I hope to see you all soon
This is a link from the Big Maths company to help with home learning and Big Maths:
Hello Cedar class,
I hope you have all had a lovely Easter holiday
Well done to everyone who has completed work on Purple mash, Big Maths or Lexia. I have been checking these websites and am very impressed with your efforts.
I have uploaded new exciting activities for you to do from Monday.
Stay safe, from Miss Fitch
Purple mash - Log in and complete the tasks set for you.
While school is closed, I have set you work to do on purple mash. I will checking and marking this work. Each week new different activities will be added and I will constantly be monitoring your progress!
Well done if you have already logged in and completed some of your work J I have been recording your scores, if you have completed a quiz and adding comments if you have completed a set piece of work.
If you can, you must log in and complete the work that is set for you! I really look forward to seeing your efforts and sending you comments.
I will also be checking your progress on Big Maths and Lexia. Again, a huge well done to the pupils who have already completed their learn its or have been on Lexia already J
Home Learning for when school is closed:
- Read for 15mins every day and complete your WOW book once a week.
- Passwords will be sent out for Lexia, so you can use this daily for 20 minutes.
- Use the website ‘phonics play’ or the YouTube links below to read your phonics sounds and tricky words daily
- Practise your number bonds to 10 or 20
- Write out your numbers counting in 2’s, 5’s or 10’s
- Count daily from 1 to 100
- Go on a 2D or 3D shape hunt around your house and see how many shapes you can find
- Order some items at home from smallest to largest or heaviest to lightest
- Keep a diary and write a few sentences about your day
- Draw a picture and write a few sentences about your favourite toy
- Draw a picture and write a few sentences about the people in your home
- Write the story of Cinderella or the Three Little Pigs which we have learnt in class, have a go at writing your own versions of these stories.
Health and Fitness
- Cosmic yoga – please see link below
- Joe Wicks, The Body Coach will be holding live PE lessons daily at 9am on his YouTube channel ‘The Body Coach TV’
Great websites to support home learning:
https://twinkl.co.uk/offer - parents can sign up for a month’s free subscription
Phonics Tricky words song Phase 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R087lYrRpgY
Phonics Tricky words song Phase 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NOzgR1ANc4
Phonics Phase 5 sounds song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPW-ZkhRUPY
Doubles song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jOzhiACB68
Counting in 2’s song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvTcpfSnOMQ
Counting in 5’s song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EemjeA2Djjw
Counting in 10’s song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYRTtwZGwj8
Cosmic Kids Yoga https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
Please use the link through the Elfrida website to log on to Lexia from home.
From the homepage, click on children and then on Lexia.
Purple Mash
Please use the link through the Elfrida website to log on to Purple Mash from home.
From the homepage, click on children and then on Purple Mash.
Big Maths
Please log on to Big Maths from home using this link: https://app.bigmaths.com/login
Please log on to Sumdog from home using this link: https://www.sumdog.com/user/sign_in
Printable work booklets for when school is closed:
Spellings for next term.
For when school is closed, you can get ahead by starting your Summer Term Home challenge. Our topic for the Summer Term is 'How Does Your Garden Grow?'

Our topic this term is: Traditional Tales
We will be reading lots of traditional tales in class with a particular focus on Cinderella, The Three Little Pigs and The Enormous Turnip. The children will exploring all these stories by acting and using role-play, completing science investigations, creating puppet shows and writing their own books and comic strips.
Spring Homework
Thank you so much for the excellent homework that has already been completed and is now displayed in the classroom. Cedar class have enjoyed sharing there efforts with their peers.
Photos coming soon :)
Spring Term curriculum letter
Spring 1 Spellings
Spring term homework
Our topic this term is the polar regions with a particular focus on polar animals and where they live.
We will be reading the books Storm Whale and Emperor Penguins.
Building bar graphs

This term our topic is Aliens and Space.
To start with, Cedar class will be reading 'Aliens Love Underpants' by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort. The story explains how the aliens don't have underpants on their own planet so have to come to earth in search for them.
Wonderful Summer Homework
Well done to the children who have already brought in their summer homework. We have enjoyed sharing your efforts in class.
As we have been reading in our book, Aliens Love Underpants, Cedar class have discovered that the aliens like to come to planet Earth to steal underpants!!
We decided to make them some extra special underpants!