Mahogany - Year 6
Dear Parents/Carers,
Please can you make a note of the new assembly date for our class assembly.
It will now be on THURSDAY 28TH FEBRUARY 2019 - Which is
the first Thursday back after the half term break.
Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Mrs Mullarkey
Curriculum Letter Spring
Year 6 visit RE:CODE London!
On Wednesday 28th November the whole of year 6 traveled to Lambeth to take part in a coding event for London schools.
We had the opportunity to design cars of the future out of Lego and then use our knowledge of computer coding to control them. We could change the speed of the cars as well as the colour of their lights. We also had the opportunity to make them start by a voice command, play music and stop if something was in their way! We loved racing our vehicles against each others as well as against other schools, and we changed our designs regularly to make our vehicles as efficient and fast as we could.
Welcome to Mahogany Class. Our topic for this Half Term is Mindfulness.
Learn more about what Mindfulness is here:
Our Curriculum Letter for Autumn 1
Spellings Autumn 1
Download Curriculum Letter
Swanage 2018
Swanage Checklist
- Children need to be at Elfrida for 8.30am on Monday 1st October with their packed cases. CHILDREN MUST BE ABLE TO CARRY THEIR OWN CASES!!
- They don’t need to wear school uniform on Monday morning.
- Make sure that your child’s clothing has been clearly labelled Things children will need to bring are on the sheet already given out and a copy is on the class page on the website.
- Children need a packed lunch for Monday – no sweets or glass bottles please.
- Children can bring up to £10 spending money. Please put up to £10 into a purse/bag clearly marked with your child’s name
- Ensure that medical forms have been returned.
- Code of conduct forms must be read and signed BY THE CHILD
- The children will be returning to Elfrida on Friday 5th October around 2.30pm. Ms Ali will send a text with an estimated time on the day. Please make sure that you are PROMPT in collecting your child as they will be looking forward to seeing you all.
Children will NOT be allowed to walk home alone - they must be collected by an adult
- Medicines MUST be handed in to a member of staff on Monday morning. A signed form MUST be completed. Please ensure that we have the correct medication for your child. Do not assume we have it in school!
- Children must not bring anything that is electronic or uses a battery as these items always end up getting lost, broken or stolen. THIS INCLUDES MOBILE PHONES. Any item found by staff will be locked away safely and returned to the parent/carer at the end of the week. Children can bring a camera, but they are responsible for it.
- Mobile phones are not allowed. Staff on school journey will call the school each day with an update and a member of the office team will text parents with this information. Parents/carers will always be contacted immediately in case of an emergency. The school web site will be updated as often as possible to keep parents up to date with what is going on.
- All outstanding balances must be paid before your child leaves on Monday 2nd October. The cost is £150 for those children entitled to free school meals or £210.
- No food is to be eaten in the dormitories therefore all sweets, crisps, etc. will be held centrally. Children will be able to bring one bag of sweets that will be collected on departure and shared amongst everyone as and when is appropriate.
- If your child suffers with travel sickness, please ensure that they take their medication before they travel (please refer to the instructions for the time scale). Please let the staff have a tablet for the return journey in a labelled container.