Redwood - Year 3
Our Trip to London Zoo
Today (15.05.19) we had an amazing day at London Zoo!
For many of us it was our first time visiting a zoo and we were very excited.
We saw so many incredible animals. We visited Gorilla Kingdom, Bird Safari, Tiger Territory, Land of the Lions, Butterfly Paradise, Penguin Beach, In with the Lemurs and of course Rainforest Life. In addition to that, we saw many types of monkeys, camels, donkeys, llamas, flamingoes and various birds.
Many of us said how amazing it was to "actually see the animals in real life!"
It was a beautiful sunny day so we were able to eat on benches outside in the sun. After eating our lunch we enjoyed playing in the Playground Area.
In the afternoon, we had a workshop with experts that work at the zoo and became Rainforest Explorers in the Rainforest Life section. We shared some of our knowledge and learnt new things about the rainforest. The rainforest section was VERY hot and humid! We were able to come face to face with a variety of amazing rainforest species including monkeys, sloths (mummy and baby), bats and a tamandua. In groups of 3, we explored the rainforest taking temperature and humidity readings, we spotted animals using binoculars and ticked off the animals we could find.
Those of us that were brave enough touched a Madagascan Hissing Cockroach
We had an excellent but exhausting day - it was so much fun!!!
Biscuit... Stonehenge??
Today (01.02.19), we were learning about Stonehenge.
We created our own Stonehenge models using... biscuits!!!
Out Stonehenge models included the Outer Circle (Bourbon biscuits), Bluestones (Shortbread biscuits) and the Horseshoe (Custard Creams).
It was very tricky and it required a lot of teamwork and concentration but we all managed to do it!
It was really fun and we got eat a biscuit after - yummy
Stone Age Survival
Our new topic for the Spring Term is Early Man!
We will studying the Stone Age to the Iron Age.
In Science, we will be focusing on animals and humans, specifically looking at nutrition and skeletons.
In Literacy today (31.10.18), we were writing poems about the moon in groups.
In our groups we performed our poems to the rest of the class.
We hope you enjoy them!
Moon Poem - Group 1
Moon Poem - Group 1 (Part 2)
Moon Poem - Group 2
Welcome back, I hope you enjoyed your half-term break!
Our new topic for this half-term will be The Earth and Beyond!
We look forward to learning more about planet Earth and our wider universe.
We will be focusing on light and dark in Science (the Sun).
In Literacy, we will be looking at the moon (and the man in the moon).
It should be an exciting term!
Our London River Cruise Trip
Today (10.10.18) we had a fantastic day in London!
We enjoyed the following: taking a train to London, going on a boat (many for the first time ), seeing different landmarks on our boat ride, going to The London Eye 4D Experience (some of us got really wet), eating our lunch in the park, playing in the playground, watching a street performer do magic along Southbank and then (of course), taking a train back to Lower Sydenham and walking back to school.
Throughout the day, we completed a London Scavenger Hunt looking out for various sights and being our trip photographers. We all took lots of photos in our groups to help us capture the memories.
We had a very busy day and many of us were tired when we got back to school, so we enjoyed sitting down and listening to Miss Burton read 'Winnie-the-Pooh Goes to London'.
Thank-you to all the parents that came to help us today - it was awesome!
Our Walk in Bellingham...
This Thursday (13.09.18), we went on a trip exploring our local area, Bellingham.
We visited the Riverview Walk, Bellingham Green, Bellingham Train Station and Bellingham Leisure Centre. At each stop the children completed different activities, including sketching! We had an awesome morning!
In Literacy we have been looking at the book 'A Walk in London' by Salvatore Rubbino, and we are looking forward to write about our trip and produce our own book called, 'A Walk in Bellingham'.
Welcome to Redwood 2018 - 2019! I am very excited to be teaching your children this year and I hope that we will have a fantastic year as we have fun learning!