Silver Birch - Year 4
Welcome to Silver Birch class page!
Dear All
We warmly welcome you back to our new term!
During the summer watch out for the exciting up coming events such as our trip
and topics in science on Humans and Other Animals and in history on the Romans and the Vikings!
Teacher: Mrs Campbell and (Mr Spec)
Learning support staff: Miss Fossey, Miss Beard and Mrs Solomon.
Please Remember:
(Cricket for all Y4) Mondays: Silverbirch swimming too.
P.E: Tuesdays ( please ensure the correct kit is bought in at the start of term and kept on Pegs)
Guitars: Wednesdays
See this terms homework tasks to be completed
spellings: please learn the meanings of and practise the dated spellings ahead of the weekly Friday test!
Reading log: must be filled in and returned every Wednesday to be checked
BigMaths/ Timestables practise: to be complete 3 times each week both at school and home on the site
Year 4 DT
Healthy Novelty Sandwiches. The children designed and made sandwiches that were different shapes and sizes and they made flowers, hearts stars using healthy fillings and bread. They also created amazing sandwiches that looked like sushi rolls!