Mahogany - Year 6
Welcome to Mahogany's class page
Class Teacher: Miss Heat
Support Staff: Ms Corcoran, Mrs Darnell, Ms Roberts and Ms Elloitt
Important Information
The gates on Elfrida crescent will open at 8.45am and your child can come to school anytime between 8.45 and 9am using the yr 5/6 gate. We are asking parents to stay outside school each morning.
Gates will be locked at 9am and you will need to bring your child to the main office to have them booked in.
Parents will be allowed in at 3.20pm. The children will be ready for collection at 3.25pm.
Parents will be allowed onto the school site to collect their children from the yr 5/6 playground.
Parents will be allowed to walk through the playgrounds to collect children from other year groups once on site.
Monday and Wednesday
Please ensure your child brings their full PE Kit into school on these days.
Diversity Awareness Month
As part of our Diversity Awareness Month, Year 6 recreated the Shaka Zulu painting by Anthony Mwangi.
Fun Run - The National Autistic Society
Mr Potts is running in the London Marathon this year and raising money for the National Autistic Society. The children have been participating in their own mini marathon in the local area whilst raising money for The National Autistic Society.
September 2022:
In Maths, we worked hard with Ms Corcoran to work out the answers to reasoning problems involving money.