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Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page

Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Home Observations

Home Observations - Evidence Me


Parents / carers, please see the letter below that has been sent home regarding home observations. We currently use 'Evidence Me' as our online observation tool and this can be downloaded free of charge to a smart phone or device. This platform allows Nursery staff to send pictures and observations to you so that you can see the activities and learning your child has participated in at school. We would also love to see what your child has been doing at home. Evidence Me allows you to send in photos of all of the fun things your child participates in at home - for example, reading books together, colouring, painting, day trips, visiting friends, cooking, spotting something interesting whilst on a walk. 

Please do sign up for this and if you need any support to do so, then speak to a member of staff who can help. Look out for the email coming your way very soon!