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Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Activity photos!

June - We celebrated two birthdays today in the Nursery! When it is your birthday, you can wear the birthday hat for the session! Happy Birthday!!

Today was Sports Day in the Nursery. We did warm up exercises, running races, an egg and spoon race, an obstacle course and a sack race! Have a look at the children below!


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Still image for this video

Thank you and well done to all of the Nursery and Reception children who came into school wearing their PJs last week! We raised an amazing £65.00 for the Booktrust.

This week we used the mud kitchen for the first time. We had such fun! The children made mud pies, mud soup and mud cakes! They did lots of stirring and mixing and pouring of water and mud and practised how to share the new pots and pans.

We have been using cardboard boxes and other packaging to make our own models. We are learning to choose the materials we want for ourselves and have been practising fixing them together using tape and glue. Have a look at what we made.

We have been practising lots of fine motor skills this week by using the playdough, rice, soil, sand and pasta.

We also learnt how to use knives safely and we practised cutting fruit. We were very careful!