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Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page

Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Palm - Year 4

Summer Learning Activities

Welcome to Palm class with Mr Ankrah

School Closure and Support For Home Learning

Hi Everyone, Mr. A here. 

I know some of you are excited because you are not coming to school as normal.  Unfortunately, I will have to burst your bubble. There's still learning that you have to do and I will be checking on your progress.

You can find what you need to learn from the following links:

Purple Mash

TT Rockstars

ihub (FirstNews) - I have created logins for all of you and there's work for you to do there every day.

Topmarks (link via pupils/remote learning) on the homepage. 


Don't forget to use Purple Mash to get in touch if you need to.


Please note: If you do not have any passwords/login details - please call the office at Athelney for your details.


Hope to see you back in school SOON!!! 

New Topic Activities

Roman writing task

Keep practising your spellings Palm class!

A message from Joe:

                                Introducing "P.E. With Joe"
                                    Daily Live Workouts for Kids 




Join Joe every day next week for a home workout 😀

Starting Monday 23rd March Joe is going to be hosting a free workout aimed at kids LIVE on my YouTube channel. Missed it ?-you can catch up!

You do not need any equipment and even your adults can join in!



Please read everyday for at least 30 minutes.

Please use the PDF copies of books below to ensure you are reading everyday.

Charlotte's Web and Matilda-Read for fun!

Our Books For This Term