Palm - Year 4
Summer Learning Activities
School Closure and Support For Home Learning
Hi Everyone, Mr. A here.
I know some of you are excited because you are not coming to school as normal. Unfortunately, I will have to burst your bubble. There's still learning that you have to do and I will be checking on your progress.
You can find what you need to learn from the following links:
Purple Mash
TT Rockstars
ihub (FirstNews) - I have created logins for all of you and there's work for you to do there every day.
Topmarks (link via pupils/remote learning) on the homepage.
Don't forget to use Purple Mash to get in touch if you need to.
Please note: If you do not have any passwords/login details - please call the office at Athelney for your details.
Hope to see you back in school SOON!!!
New Topic Activities
Roman writing task
Keep practising your spellings Palm class!
A message from Joe:
Please read everyday for at least 30 minutes.
Please use the PDF copies of books below to ensure you are reading everyday.
Charlotte's Web and Matilda-Read for fun!
Our Books For This Term