Our Work in Class
March 2022 - Topic homework display:
Do you like our Mayan topic homework display? We always ensure we display all of our wonderful homework efforts on a display board that's very noticeable as soon as you enter our room. We get many compliments from those who visit our class. Can you spot the attendance early bird perched nicely on top of Matilda's model of a Mayan Temple?

March 2022 - Maths challenge in small groups:
We competed in small groups to complete a maths challenge that involved answering a variety of arithmetic and reasoning questions. We are a very competitive bunch...
February 2022 - Fun Friday: As a result of our continuous hard work and efforts, we were rewarded with 1 hour of well-being time. We focused on our well-being and team building skills as a class. We played games together and spent time laughing, joking, being great competitive sports and enjoying eachother's company.
January 2022 - PE: In PE, we have focused on learning the HAKA in small groups. We worked really hard to learn different sequences and then put them together.
November 2021 - Art:
In art, we created our very own Blitz skylines. We produced our artwork using chalks and silhouettes. We also used masking tape as a resist to create a search light effect. Please take a look at our wonderfully finished pieces that are proudly on display in our corridor.
November 2021 - Remembrance Day:
In Mahogany class, we celebrated Remembrance day by writing our short poems about the war and all the people that fought hard to protect the country. We typed up our poems, stained them and then added our chosen Silhouette onto our poems to complete them. They are now, proudly on display in the Year 6 corridor. Please take a look.
Lest We Forget.
October 2021 - Diversity Awareness Month:
For Diversity Month, we fouced on the very talented Njideka Akunyili Crosby for our art lesson. We created some fantastic eye catching art work with help from our wonderful Art Leader Ms Green. Please take a look at our creations.
October 2021 - Science:
In Year 6, we have been working on both the importance of recycling and the importance of drinking plenty of water. We then created our very own information posters to display in our corridor. We are hoping that our information posters encourage our peers and others around school to recycle regularly and drink the recommended amount of water daily. Do you know how much water you should drink each day to enable yourself to stay healthy? If so, please come and share your answers with Miss Heat...

September 2021:
In History, we created our very own WW2 timelines where we wrote about key events during each year throughout WW2. We also included illustrations.
September 2021:
In History, we created our very own WW2 propaganda posters. Do you like our slogans?