Walnut - Reception
Teacher: Mrs Ngwa
Additional Support: Mrs Hamilton
Walnut class split into two teams and were given large cardboard boxes, string, masking tape, foil and other resources and made their own robots! There was some FANTASTIC team work! WELL DONE!
Team 1
Team 2
Meet the robots...The children decided to name the robots, Esme-doc and Lee-doc
We have been doing class tallies to find out how our friends in walnut class get to school. Some children have conducted their own tallies...
Walnut class have been making different modes of transport using junk modelling. Here are some bikes! Well done guys!
Here is a Pogo stick...I guess that is one fun method of transport. Very imaginative...Well done!
Walnut class have been doing some investigating. Stay tuned to see some of the mini investigations we have been conducting in class!
What happens when you rub a balloon against your hair?
What happens when you add food colouring to milk?
Curriculum Letter Spring 2
Head Teachers Award for some very impressive work in Literacy and Numeracy! Well done, you little superstar!!!
We did a human tally chart for the different modes of transport to school each day. we found out that the most popular means of travel was walking.
The topic for this term is 'Transport'. As a result we will be talking about the different methods of transport, and its impact on the environment. We will be doing class tallies to find out how our friends travel to school each day, with lots of number work in relation to this. We will also be talking about the different modes of transport used to travel to different countries, including travel to outer space! There will be lots of talk and activities about Space, the planets, the moon and stars. As a link we will be reading The Bear in the Balloon, written by Ellie Patterson, which features a bear in a hot air balloon. He visits a number of different countries and meets a variety of different animals who also join him in the balloon ride. he eventually ends up in space and finds out that he is not as lonely as he was. Please ask your child about the story, as we have been learning some actions to accompany the story.

'Once upon a time there lived someone named Millie. A dog was chasing Millie and a helicopter saves Millie. The end.' WELL DONE!
'Once upon a time (there was) a little caterpillar. There was (a) master that defeated the caterpillar. The end.' WOW!!!
Welcome back Walnut class! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break. A very happy 2018 to you all! Well done to the following children who done lots of home learning over the holidays and learnt to write their names :) YOU SUPERSTARS!
Flash Back 2017 - Yummy Biscuit Decorating
Flash back 2017 - Pastel pictures
Fantastic independent writing! Well done!
Flash black of 2017- Headteachers Award! Well done!
You completed a repeated pattern using 4 different colours all by yourself! You superstar!
Well done! You wrote some number sentences all by yourself! Very impressive!
We trust Walnut Class has had a fantastic half term and have returned back to school with their batteries charged and ready to learn. Our topic this term is 'Animals' and our text is an Asante tale from West Africa called The Leopard's Drum, written by Jessica Souhami.
A huge THANK YOU to Trish Cooke, author of our Autumn Text, 'So Much', for coming in to visit us here at Elfrida School. You are truly inspirational and we hope you visit us again soon!
Walnut class listening to the story 'So Much' told by the author Trish Cooke herself!
We have been learning how to write our tricky words! Well done guys!!!
Harvest Festival was a huge success! Thanking all Walnut parents for the various food donations, you were great!
Thanking all parents that came to the Phonics Workshop! For more information about how we do phonics please do not hesitate to ask the Reception class teachers!
A very warm welcome to all the new reception children in Walnut Class. What a fantastic start and what a lovely class!
Please check the website regularly, as we will be posting updates about the children's learning. This will include anything from, photos to extracts of your children's work. We will also be posting tips for learning and other key information to keep you in the loop.
We look forward to working in partnership with you, to ensure a happy and successful learning journey at Elfrida School.
Mrs Ngwa & Miss Hamilton