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January Activity Calendar
We are a few days into January 2021, and I have a challenge for you this month…
Below you will find a January activity calendar. Each day there is an activity that you can do, so everyday complete the activity for that date.
You can keep track of it by writing it down, or if possible your parents could print the calendar and you can cross off each day. Take pictures of you completing the activities and send them to our class email address, , and if you like I could post them on our Sycamore class page.
I can’t wait to see all the activities you get up to! I wonder how many activities you will complete and if anyone will catch up and do all 31 days…
Epic! The Leading Digital Library for Kids
Make sure you read everyday!
You have made such amazing progress with your reading and you need to keep it up!
Try reading books on Epic!
There are so many to choose from!
Class Code: ewb1110
Select your name and then you are in!
Download the Epic! app from the App Store
Class Code: ewb1110
Select your name and then you are in!
Improve your reading with Oxford Owl
Username: magn
Password: magn
Purple Mash
Big Maths
Complete this week's challenges. CLICK HERE
School Pin: 0407