Jacaranda - Year 3

Welcome to Jacaranda Class
All the children are settling in well and beginning to get used to being back in school. Our class rules have been established and routines have been set in place.

Welcome to the Summer Term
We hope you all had an enjoyable 2 weeks' spring break. The children are settling back in to the school routine and working hard.
This term, our topic is Ancient Egypt which the children are already feeling enthusiastic towards their learning and are eager to learn more.

Year 3's Trip to the Science Museum
On Tuesday 30th April, both Year 3 classes travelled to the Science Museum to visit the Wonderlab. The children made us all very proud by displaying excellent behaviour on the trip. All the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and loved exploring and thinking about the science behind all the different activities within the Wonderlab. A great day was had by all.
Welcome back to school, and to the Spring Term. We would like to say, 'Happy New Year' to everyone.
Year 3's topic this term is 'London Through the Years. The children have already learnt a lot about the Great Plague of London and are looking forward to learning more.

4th - 8th March - Book Week

Wizard Stories
In celebration of Book Week, Year 3 were lucky enough to have a session with the fantastic Wizard Stories storytellers on Wednesday 6th March.
They all gathered in the hall for 45 minutes of exciting storytelling activities.
There was lots of fun, laughter, and screaming as, together with the storytellers and their guitar, they created a brand new, never heard before story about a mysterious school dentist who visited Elfrida school one day and horrible, scary things took place!
If you haven't yet heard the story, ask your child to tell you it. Be prepared for some scary, gory details!!
BFI Imax - Tues 5th March
Year 3 had a fantastic time at the BFI Imax cinema this week as part of their Book Week celebrations.
They all took part in a Roald Dahl workshop in the morning which involved watching various clips from three of Roald Dahl's most famous books: Matilda, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and The BFG.
The children had lots of fun and interactive activities to participate in, together with children from other schools. Some were lucky enough to share their ideas over a microphone which they thoroughly enjoyed.
After lunch, they all settled into the huge comfy seats in the auditorium to watch The BFG. A great time was had by all.
PE - Cricket
Year 3 are very lucky to be having a cricket coach this term and will be working on learning and improving all the skills they need to play cricket. They thoroughly enjoyed their first session, and for many, their first time learning about the game of cricket.
2nd Cricket Session
This week, the children were learning how to bowl and to aim for a target whilst doing so. Lots of fun was had by all. All the children improved their aim during the lesson.
Cricket - 3rd Session
This week, Year three were focussing on different batting skills: ready, block, strike a four and strike a six. These were incorporated into their warm up which was great fun. They also had to work on their team skills whilst working together to complete a challenge as quickly as possible in order to limit the number of runs the other team made. Everyone put in a lot of enthusiastic energy.
Gymnastics - Sequences
This week, the children have been combining some of the gymnastic skills they have learnt so far to travel along apparatus by creating a sequence of movements and shapes together with a partner. Some of them were in unison with their partner and others individually.
PE - Gymnastics
This term, Year 3 are lucky enough to have a gymnastics coach as well as a cricket coach!
During their first session, they learnt how to do different gymnastics shapes and used the different shapes to create new shapes within a group.
This week's session was focused on balance and what skills they need to be able to hold and control their bodies whilst balancing. They had fun balancing things on different parts of their bodies and trying to balance whilst resting on different parts of their bodies too.
Gymnastics - Jumps
This week, Year 3 were learning to combine the shapes they learnt with jumps. They had the opportunity to jump from various heights and to chose the type of jump: pike, star, pencil, tuck or straddle.
Gymnastics - Rolling
This week, Year 3 have been focusing on rolls in gymnastics. They have been learning 4 different types of rolls: pencil, tuck, forward, and straddle. Some were a lot easier than others.
Gymnastics - Travelling
This week, Year 3 have been combining all the things they have learnt so far in gymnastics to travel. They have used balance, jumps, rolls and shapes to travel along different apparatus. As their confidence grew, they began to get a lot more creative, especially when they were challenged to use at least 4 different movements.
Gymnastics - Sequences
This week, the children have been combining some of the gymnastic skills they have learnt so far to travel along apparatus by creating a sequence of movements and shapes together with a partner. Some of them were in unison with their partner and others individually.

Andy Goldsworthy
The children thoroughly enjoyed their last session of art work inspired by the work of Andy Goldsworthy. Over half-term, the children collected autumn leaves, sticks and small stones to use to create a collaborative piece of natural artwork in the style of Andy Goldsworthy's leaf and stick creations. The children had a great time and worked well in their teams. We think you will agree they produced some fantastic creations!

Andy Goldsworthy
After designing their stone sculptures, the children have now made them out of clay. They are now going to write letters to Andy Goldsworthy to tell him what they have learnt and enjoyed about his artwork.
Here are some examples of their work:

It's Cauliflower Cards time of year. Year 3 have created some beautiful winter cards which they should already have brought home for you to see. Remember you can order lots more than just cards:
mugs, spiral bound books, wrapping paper, gift labels etc. Log on to shop.cauliflowergroup.co.uk for more information and to make your order.
Please make sure you return your child's artwork to school.

Art - Andy Goldsworthy
Year 3 have been learning about the artist and sculptor Andy Goldsworthy. All his creations are made from natural objects: leaves, stones, rocks, twigs, wood etc. He makes them in nature and are not permanent: he leaves them to be blown away or dismantled by the elements. He records his artwork by taking photographs of them. The children have been studying his stone sculptures and have designed one of their own which they will be making out of clay. Here are some examples of their charcoal designs.

The Stone Age
Year 3's topic this term is the Stone Age. They have already learnt quite a bit about Stone Age life and how difficult it was. They have been finding out about hunters and gatherers and the threats and assets Stone Age people faced. They have learnt what cave paintings have shown us about Stone Age life and have begun to create their own cave paintings. Here are some examples below.
Jacaranda Class Cave Paintings

School Council Elections
School council elections were held last week and the results are in. The two successful candidates for Jacaranda class are:
They are eager to begin their roles and representing their peers in helping to make improvements to the school.
We wish them all the very best in their new roles.