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Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Big Maths

Big Maths Challenges


Please make sure you complete your Big Maths challenges for this week as soon as possible.  Please do not leave them until Friday.  Let's see if we can manage to get everyone to complete them this week :-)

Friday 5th March

A big maths well done to Grey who has now completed his 3 Big Maths challenges today.


An extra big maths well done for the following children for getting full marks in at least one of their challenges:


Mia - CLIC

Mamadu - Learn Its

Grey - CLIC


Well done to all the children mentioned above.  Great job. :-)

Thursday 4th March

A big well done to the following children who have completed their Big Maths challenges this week:













And an extra big well done to the following children who have scored full marks in some of their challenges this week:


Angela - SAFE and Learn Its

Leah - CLIC and SAFE

Poppy - CLIC and Learn Its

Gracie - CLIC and SAFE


Well done to Kevin who has been promoted on his SAFE and scored full marks for his CLIC.


Well done everyone above, you have done a grand job this week.


Let's hope everyone else manages to get all their 3 challenges completed this week too.