Sequoia - Year 5
Do you wish for your child to go to grammar school in Yr 7? Applications are being accepted from now until June 30th. See letter below for more details.
Yr 5- Grammar school application information for parents
Thank you for all your continued support for the year so far. Please make sure your child is learning their spellings and times tables daily.
The end of this half term is fast approaching!
Curriculum letter for this term
Spellings for this half term
Anglo-Saxon Homework Grid
Hello to all our Parents and Carers;
Well, another term is nearly over and Sequoia Class have been doing some fantastic learning.
with Bow Arts teacher, Laurie, they made some great art using lots of different medium.
Thank you for all the fantastic homework for our topic this term on Ancient Greece they made our classroom amazing!
This half term, Mr Black has been teaching coding to Sequoia using Scratch. The children designed their own Minotaur games which tied in nicely with our Ancient Greece topic.
If you follow this link, you can play some of the wonderful Scratch games they coded.
Happy New Year to you all!
This term we will be learning about Ancient Greece - reading all about the gods and goddesses on Mount Olympus, reading Greek myths and producing brochures to advertise the country in the form of chronological reports!
The children will even have a go at creating their own myths.
If you have any queries please contact me on our class website:
Autumn 1 is nearly over. Where does the time go?
Thank you to those children who have already brought in their homework. There is still time for your child to bring in their work on water. The deadline is Friday 25th November.
Please encourage your child to practise their new spellings for next term (a new set of spellings will go out by the end of this week).
It would be really helpful if you could help your child to learn their times tables by heart. (2x all the way up to 10x would be fantastic).
Times tables are invaluable for maths and helps children with all sorts of arithmetic and reasoning questions.
If you have any queries please contact me on our class website:
It was so lovely to meet up with you last week for parents' evening. It was nice to "touch base" with so many of you to discuss your child's learning.