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Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Sycamore - Year 2

Teacher: Mrs Cripps

Additional Support: Ms Middleweek

On Tuesday 10th July we went to Tiptree Farm in Colchester.

It is a fruit farm and they grown strawberries, plums, cherries, logan berries and quince. They sell these to supermarkets and shops all over the country. They also make jam out of the fruit on site.

We went on a tractor trailer ride over the farm, learning about each fruit and all the greenhouses. We also learnt how to properly pick strawberries and cherries. We even got to taste some! Delicious! cheeky

Fun on the farm

Some of us were so tired on the way home!

Sycamore Class assembly

Thursday 21st June 2018

Don't forget to come and support us on Thursday and find out about what we have been learning!

no frown no

Year 2 British Film Institute trip

Tuesday 12th June 2018

We took trains to Waterloo East, one was a long journey and the other was short. We walked for 8 minutes to the BFI building on the Southbank in London.

When we arrived we learnt how to draw Mickey Mouse by using circles and lines to make the face. We also had to use our imaginations to think what might happen next in 'The Mouse Trap' film.

One of our favourite activities was when we watched a film about a mouse being sold in a pet shop. We had to think like the mouse and write down what he thought and felt at different points in the film.

After lunch we watched 'The Gruffalo'. We likes the film because...

"The mouse bought the Gruffalo with him and all the animals were scared." Harley

"The mouse thought he was making the Gruffalo up, but it turned out he was real!" Lily

"The 2 squirrels wanted to hear a story about a mouse and a monster." Tyra

When we left the BFI we saw the Shard and the London Eye!

The journey back was a lot quicker!!

It was such a fun trip! frown


Everyone enjoying the workshop

Dorothea explaining what might happen next in The Mouse Trap film

Flora animating Mickey Mouse

27.4.18 Scientist Day!!!

Year 2 curriculum leaflet Summer term

Welcome back!

We hope you had a great Easter break, even though the weather wasn't too good!

We are back and raring to go, we have so much learning to do before the summer holidays. smiley

Our new topic 'Journeys' will bring fantasy together with reality; as we discuss journeys we make everyday and at special times alongside magical journeys we may go on in our dreams!


We are very excited about this topic and can't wait to go on your magical journeys with you!



12.3.18 We used Purple Mash to create shapes and designs and made our own snow ploughs.

21.2.18 Greenwich Maritime Museum

On Wednesday 21st February the whole of Year 2 went to Greenwich to the Maritime Museum. We have been studying Polar Lands for our topic and we went to see all the types of ships and maps the explorers would have used.

First we went into the role play area! It was really fun...we pretended we were explorers.

We also saw the boat which held the fastest speed record.

We learnt a lot and experienced what it could have been like on the Polar expeditions that Shackleton went on.

SATs meeting

On 7th February 2018 Year 2 parents were invited to a meeting held at 2.45pm to discuss the statutory testing of Year 2 pupils at the end of the year.  These assessments are commonly known as SATs.

If you have any further questions or queries please speak to your child's class teacher, Miss Cartwright or Mrs Marshall and we will be happy to talk to you.


The following presentation was given.

22/01/18 Christmas day on the Terra Nova! We pretended we were Tom Crean and the crew aboard the Terra Nova who spent Christmas day drinking tomato soup and opening letters from home.


Our topic, Polar Lands, is all about the Arctic and Antarctic. We have been learning about the environment there and how it is different from where we live.

We used a poem by Walter De La Mare, 'Snow', to test out our performance poetry skills.

What do you think?


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Welcome back Sycamore Class!

We hope you had a lovely break and are coming back raring to go!

Like always we have another exciting topic lined up for you this half term -


We are excited about this topic and hope you will be too.


Here's to the next 5 weeks!

Mrs Cripps and Miss Middleweek



Merry Christmas from Sycamore Class!!

Kenyan masks and necklaces 13/12/17

Sycamore Class' African Nature Documentary      30.11.17

We watched a video about the Kenyan Savannah. We then had to get into groups of 3 and decide what we wanted to say about the animals in our section of the video. We needed to use adjectives and adverbs to describe what the animals were like and what they were doing. We chose who would say each bit and then we had to practice reading our sentences so we were perfect!
We made a circle on the carpet in the right order and had a practice altogether. While we were doing this it started snowing!!! smiley
When we knew exactly what we had to do, Miss Fossey and Mrs Cripps videoed the African documentary with us narrating over the top.
We hope you find the documentary interesting and informative. laugh


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27.11.17 Sorting African animals into different groups

14.11.17 Music Time

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Sycamore class and Magnolia class joined together to create a rain song and storm music. We were inspired by 'Lila and the secret of rain', which is a story by David Conway and Jude Daly.
We hope you can hear the rain as it starts getting heavier until it is pouring!
See if you can join in the song with us as you watch the video!

Song with music

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Song with music 2

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Storm music 1

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Storm music 2

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Well done to Sycamore Class for their assembly last week! We had so much fun rehearsing and making all the props we used.

Thank you to all the parents who came to watch...great support as usual!


Thank you


Sycamore Class' trip to Greenwich Ecology Park is coming up fast!

Please remember to be in school nice and early on Tuesday 10th October 2017 as we will be leaving school as close to 9.00 as possible!


Thank you

Mrs Cripps and Miss Middleweek

Sycamore class went on a walk around Bellingham estate to see how carefully it was being looked after. We have been doing lots of work on looking after our environment and the effect dropping litter has on our world. We were quite surprised at how much litter had actually been dropped on the floor, even though there were quite a few bins around nearby! Some places had been looked after well. See if you can spot them!

Sycamore Class wrote their own version of 'The Treasures' by Clare Bevan. They all wrote about their own treasure from nature and chose which animal would bring each treasure to them. Trying to use a rhyming word was the trickiest bit!

Just a quick reminder that money for our class trip to Greenwich Ecology Park is due in by

Monday 25th September. 


Thank you


Welcome Back!!

I hope everyone had a great summer and enjoyed their free time. I really enjoyed this summer being with Fred and taking him on his first holiday!

Ms Middleweek and I are really excited about this year and we have lots of fun things planned for the children to make their learning exciting.


Our first topic this half term is 'We've got the whole World in our hands'. We will be looking at how Humans have damaged the World, but also what we can do to keep our World safe and clean.


Our P.E. days this half term are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please make sure children have plimsoles, a T-shirt and shorts or jogging bottoms.

P.S. - We do outside P.E. even in winter so jogging bottoms might be a good idea!


As in Year 1, pupils will need to read every day to help improve their reading. They will have a brand new WOW book which I will collect in once a week. Each week children should be completing their WOW book twice.


I look forward to seeing you all again and if anyone needs to speak to us please feel free to come before school starts or at the end of the day.


Mrs Cripps and Ms Middleweek
