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Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page

Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.



I am adding new tasks and resources frequently so please check back here and on Purple Mash regularly.


We now have a class email address. Parents and children can email myself any questions, concerns and completed work.

The email address is



Please contact the school office if you do not have your log in details. 



500 WORDS: Black Lives Matter Competition

 Virgin radio are leading a Black lives matter-writing competition.

Closing date: Friday 3rd July 2020


Please use the following website to access the competition:


laughWell donelaugh


Well done for all your hard work, please keep the good work!


Well done to the following children for completing work online this week:

smileyMatilda smiley

Khadija laugh

smiley Gabriel smiley

winkNeveah wink

smileyVanesa smiley

laughLexsie laugh



winkHarley wink




Is your work being displayed in the Wonderful Work page? Click the shooting star below to find out and view the wonderful work being produced. 

Please click the shooting star above to see the work that is currently showcasing in the Cypress Class Wonderful Work page! smiley


I will be updating this every week with new work from the tasks you have completed. Please come back and check if your work has made it to the Wonderful Work page.

Please keep up the good work! 


I will be updating this with names weekly, so look out for your name!


Well done!


Below is tasks, homework and links for your home learning to complete during the school closure.

I have set Literacy, Maths and Topic tasks to complete on Purple Mash and I will be checking these.  

yes Well done to everyone who has completed tasks so far on iHub and Purple Mash - I will be adding more tasks frequently so please keep checkingyes


Please click the different rainbow subjects below to access the tasks set. 



Home Learning Packs

Please click the folder below to access the home learning packs.

Quick Links 


Please use the links below for quick access to the websites.  

