Our Work in Class
July 2021:
Wellbeing Wednesday dancing in Silver Birch Class.
Leon and The Place Between Circus Advertisments created by Silver Birch Class.

14.7.21 - Euro 2020:
After the England V Italy Euro final on Sunday, we had a big discussion in class. We spoke about the game, how well the players did to reach the final and most importantly, the racial abuse that some players have received. Silver Bitch decided to write their very own letters to the England football team to show their support and to let them know that we don't support racism in any way. Racism will never belong in our hearts!!! Well done to the England team, you did amazingly well to reach the final.
June 2021:
After half term, we continued our topic 'We are the Romans'. We learned all about Emperor Hadrian and his famous wall that is 73 mils long or 80 Roman miles long. We then imagined that we were one of the Roman soldiers that was helping to build the wall. A wall that took 6 years in total to build. We wrote a letter to our family explaining how we were building the wall, what we were using to build the wall, what was included within the wall, where the wall started and where it would finish and also the purpose of building the wall. If you would like to find out all about Hadrian's wall, please come and ask us as we know plenty.
After writing our letters and then editing them, we created our very own Roman papyrus paper to write our finished letters on. We made our paper by simply using coffee and water. Once the paper dried, we carefully tore around the edges. Our final letters look fantastic and our classroom smelt amazing all day too... :)
18.5.21 - We are the Romans:
Our topic this half term is all about the Romans. Today, we created a MISSING! poster based on when Julius Caesar was kidnapped by pirates and kept captive until the pirates were paid 50 talents.
10.5.21: Homework display:
Check out our amazing pieces of homework... Well done Silver Birch!!!
11.11.20 - Elf Day:
Today was Elf Day at Elfrida and we had a lovely fun filled day in class. We made our very own chocolate reindeer cakes along with a winter decoration. Please take a look at some photos of our day. We were very good little elves...
13.11.20 - Children in Need Day:
Today we focused our learning around Children in Need. We discussed the purpose of why the UK raise money for Children in Need and how the fundraising has a positive impact on those in need. Our Maths and English tasks were all Children in Need themed for the day too and some of us even wore spotty clothing. Finally, since Thursday, we participated in all of Joe Wicks' PE challenges that were part of his 24 hours exercise challenge to raise Money for Children in Need. So so he has raised over £2.5 million. GO JOE!!! Take a lot at a snipped of our day below.

Autumn 1: Our focus text this half term is The Twits by Roald Dahl.
14.10.20 - The Twits WANTED Posters:
Do you like our WANTED posters??? If you find either one of these horrid individuals, you could earn yourself a reward...
We have had such great fun focusing our learning on this text!
9.10.20 - Our Corridor Display:
Do you like our display outside the classroom? It's filled with our art work and writing about things that make us happy. We had great fun creating our flowers using a variety of paints. Ms Corcoran kindly brought us a few shrubs from her garden to add to the garden theme! We must remember to water these... (just kidding ).

The Wormy Spaghetti Chapter:
