Maple - Year 3
Have a look at Maple Class having fun during Sports Day today. It was a great day.
We created tourist posters to encourage people to go and visit Egypt. Have a look. Does it make you want to go and visit?
This term we have been learning about Africa and Egypt.
Look at our images after hearing the Egypt poem above.
Summer 2 Homework - Diversity at Elfrida. We are hoping to see lots of completed homework this term. Enjoy!
Summer 2 Spelling Lists. Good luck :)
We are looking forward to welcoming you back to school on Monday 8th March.
Year three gates will open at 8:45am. Afternoon gates will open at 3:10pm ( Mon-Thurs) and 2:10pm on Fridays.
Please watch the video below as Ms Newton explains gate entry instructions.
Email me the answers to the questions below at Who am I dressed up as? What book is this animal from?
Spring Term curriculum leaflet
Dear Parents
This week is children's mental health week. Place to be have resources for this week. Have a look to see what is on offer -use it if interested. Click the link on the picture if that does not work try this:
PE with Joe Wickes in class.
BBC Bitesize Home Learning Timetable
If you need any support or have any questions, please email me at
If you can’t access any of the online learning or what a break from online learning please call school and arrange to collect a paper pack.
Please also use this opportunity to support your child with skills that are not within the National Curriculum and can be done as a family, such as:
Cooking - great for incorporating maths: weight, capacity, cooking times, temperature, addition, subtraction etc. There are some simple recipes on Teams and in the paper packs to collect from school.
Cleaning - they learn to contribute to household, skills they'll use the rest of their lives, learn to be responsible and learn to value of their environment and home.
Family time - go out for a daily walk, talk about what you can see in the environment, read signs etc. This is great for physical and mental health and also helps to improve your child's language development. Play card or board games if you have any at home. Make up your own games and write down the rules of how to play it.
We'd love to see pictures of any extra curricular activities that you do!
Take care, stay safe and we hope to back together in the classroom soon.
School Closure January 2021
Spring Term
Welcome to the Spring Term.
Unfortunately, I will not be seeing everyone at the start of this term but I have set some work for everyone in class to complete and will be checking regularly to ensure you are completing the work. Please check your emails regularly and look at the class page so you know what is happening.
Please click the Home Learning tab below for work to be completed during the school closure.
Please email myself at with any queries and concerns you may have.
Autumn 2 homework. Good luck!
Have a look at our Be Kind posters.

Here's our latest curriculum leaflet
Weekly spelling lists for Autumn 2
Have a look at all the fun thing we have done and created this term.
Home learning Resource
Click the link below for home learning videos
Welcome to the Maple Class Page
Miss Griffiths and the Year 3 team are so glad that we are back in school and having fun while we learn.
Welcome back to the new school year! Please check back here for regular updates about what Maple Class have been doing in class.
Our TA's this year is Miss Gregory who supported the children last year in Year 2 so we are very lucky that we have her in class everyday.
Maple Class will have PE on Monday's and Thursday's this year. Please come to school wearing your PE kit on both of these days. You are not required to wear your normal school uniform on these days.
Please do not bring bags into school. Packed lunch bags/boxes and water bottles only please.
Please make sure your child brings a bottle of water into school everyday. For health and safety reasons the water fountains are currently out of use.
Changing Books
Please ensure your child brings their clear plastic book bag into school every Thursday to change their reading books.
Spelling test will be every Friday so please practise your spellings everyday.
Maple Class entrance via the main gate-Elfrida Crescent

Directions to Maple Class via the playground

Directions to Maple class continued

Important information for children returning in September:
On Thursday 3rd September the children will be returning to school. They will be welcomed back by their previous teacher Mrs Rendall and will be introduced to Miss Griffiths, their new teacher, on Friday 4th September.
Maple class children are to enter and leave school through the main gates. Children are to line up on Elfrida Crescent. Children will be collected from the gates by their teacher and TA. Parents will not be allowed on site.
We are encouraging only one parent to drop off and collect their child to reduce large groups occurring outside the school gates.
Start time: 8:55am Finish time: 3:20pm (2:20 pm on Fridays)
See you in September!