Mahogany - Year 6
Teacher: Miss Fitch
Support Staff: Ms Dolphy
Welcome to Year 6 Mahogany Class
We believe this about every child in our class!
Final day of Sports Science Week
Today saw the final sporting event for this year's sports science week. We had the pleasure of a visit from two athletes from Inspired Through Sport who put Year 6 through their paces. Here is a taster of what they did:
This week is Sports/Science week at Elfrida. The children will be taking part it fun activities all week.
Year 6 started the week off by mummifying chickens (a leg only!) linking our topic - Ancient Egypt - to this week's science theme of changes. They will be following the process of mummification for roughly 4-5 weeks noting the changes to the chicken legs as they go!!
Marble Run Investigation
Microscope Laboratory
Today (24th May) the children got the opportunity to experience working in a laboratory. They were looking at different objects in three different ways: the naked eye; a magnifying glass; and, a microscope. They had to observe and draw the changes in the objects.
Post SATs Fun - Kite Making
Spring Term's Curriculum Leaflet
Our Onesie Reading Session
Year 6 Celebrate World Book Day
This week is book week. Year 6 are focusing on The Arrival, by Shaun Tan
NSPCC Workshop
Whoops!! Technical issue!
PSHE and Drama
Today, in PSHE, we have been representing feelings of empathy through drama. We received letters from children who where struggling and unhappy. They all felt they were useless and not good at anything. So much so, that they were begging for our help as they had even given up trying anymore!
Next week, we will be writing them letters to give them advise and make them feel better about themselves - look out for them on our class page.
Global Citizenship and Responsibilities
Year 6 are learning to retell a biography of Anne Frank using actions as prompts.
Silent Benchball - it's all a matter of mindset!
Literacy - Biographies
Science: Light and Shadows
Today (7.11.16) we started a new science topic: light and shadows. We discussed light sources: natural and man-made and we also investigated shadows using torches. The children should all be able to explain what the following words mean: transparent, translucent and opaque. Ask your child to tell you what they learnt today.
Growth mindset artwork
Topic: WWII Propaganda Posters
Autumn term displays
World War 2 timeline
Science investigation
Maths and Fairtrade Week 17th - 21st October
Yesterday, Year 6 got Fairtrade week off to a start with visits to some of our local supermarkets to find Fairtrade products. Some children went to Lidl, The Co-op or Sainsbury's.
The children were collecting information about the Fairtrade products they found, their price and their country of origin. For each Fairtrade product they found, they had to compare it with the price and country of origin of the same non-fair trade product. In some of the supermarkets, this was a lot harder than we had thought it would be and we found we really had to look hard to find out whether some items were Fairtrade or not.
Back in school, during the week, the children will be using the data they collected to construct graphs and interpret data from them.
Swanage 2016
Year 6 have arrived safe and sound in Swanage after a smooth journey. We have already had quite an exciting time...
Friday (Day 5)
After an action packed week, it is time to say, 'Goodbye' to the Allnatt Centre and Swanage. Despite such a busy exciting week, only a few of our intrepid travellers fell asleep on the coach home...
Thursday (Day 4)
A stroll to the beach, followed by an historical trip around Swanage. Then, lunch by the beach and
a trip to the shops to spend our pocket money. After that, we all went crabbing; unfortunately, only one crab (Lola) was caught - obviously, we put her back. When we got back to the centre, we had an hour long session in the pool - fun was had by all. We ate our final evening meal and then went out on the field for a campfire.
Meeting an angry Viking...
Meeting a frightened lady sheltering in a church...
Meeting a man sleeping by the gaol...
Fun in the pool: Samuel wrestling with a noodle
Junior somersaulting...
Wednesday (Day 3)
After breakfast, we played in the playground and then walked to Corfe Castle over the hills. Whilst waiting for the steam train back, we imagined what it would be like to be evacuees. In honour of Favour's birthday, we had our own pool party (first time in the pool). Before bed, we had birthday cake and sang happy birthday to Favour.
A taster of videos from today's events... First up, walking to Corfe Castle (or rather running!!)
Kiera singing an impression of Adele cow style.
Frankie, Frankie seaweed
Favour's birthday pool party
Favour's birthday celebrations...
Tuesday (day 2)
The walk to Old Harry and Studland bay (5.5 mile walk!!)
Some of the beautiful scenery we have seen today
8 am breakfast: everyone ate extremely well.
A few video clips of today's activities: Kung Fu geography
Skylarking around
Super Duet take 1
Super Duet take 2
Our very own Unipanda
Hot chocolate, biscuits, onesies, PJs and bed..
The journey here...
Our first trip to the beach for some fun..
Funky Seaweed
Jumping waves...
Evening entertainment - team games on the field, in the dark!!
Hair whipping in the rain!
Curriculum Letter
Request for contributions for SATs Buster Books
Tuesday 13th September 2016
Dear Year 6 Parents/Carers,
SATs Revision Resources
Further to the letter and the meeting at the end of Year 5. We would like to remind you that in order to properly prepare your child, and to ensure they have the best possible chance to reach their full potential, the school would like to purchase CPG SATs Revision books for each student in Maths, Reading comprehension and Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.
These will be used on a daily basis for a quick 10 minute test to enable all children to practice and be confident in reading, understanding and being able to answer the questions more confidently. These were used last year and were extremely helpful.
So that we can do this effectively, we are asking for a contribution of £13.50 towards the cost of these books. If you have not yet send in your contribution, can you please do so as soon as possible so we can order the books and begin to use them daily in lessons and for homework.
Thank you very much for your continued support.
Thanks and kindest regards
Mrs Efrat, Miss Fitch and the rest of the Year 6 Team
Change Your Mindset
This week, we have been learning about growth mindset. Please ask your child how they are going to re-wire their brain to ensure they improve their growth mindset.
In art, the children have been designing their own inspirational growth mindset posters, learning pits and creative neuron representations. Pictures of their work to follow - watch this space...