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Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page

Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

School Uniform

What do I need to wear?

We are very proud of our school uniform at Elfrida and believe that it helps the children identify themselves as being part of the Elfrida family.


Children should wear long or short grey  trousers or a skirt or pinafore with a white shirt or polo shirt. They need to wear a burgundy jumper, cardigan or fleece.  When the weather is hot, children can also wear burgundy or red gingham dresses.  

Tights or socks should be grey, black, white or burgundy.

Shoes should be black, flat and with a closed toe and heel.  Plain black trainers without logos are acceptable.  


Our uniform can be purchased in store at Bailwood- Lewisham. Alternatively you can buy online at My Clothing or Bailwood Clothiers Online 


Plain burgundy jumpers and cardigans can also be bought from local supermarkets or department stores.  

PE Kits


PE is an important part of the school curriculum and it is important that children change for this.

Our PE kit is a white round necked T-shirt and black shorts, PE skirt, tracksuit bottoms or leggings.

Children need to wear black trainers or plimsols or pumps on their feet.

For safety, earrings should not be worn on PE days.


Long hair needs to be kept tied back and all hair accessories must be black, white or burgundy. 

Small stud earrings and wristwatches are both permissible but must be removed by the child for PE. The school does not take responsibility for any items which you choose to allow your child to wear to school.


In addition:

Please do not allow your children to school:

  • Nail polish.
  • Acrylic/fake nails.
  • Hooped  or dangling earrings of any size.
  • Inappropriate footwear i.e crocs.
  • Own clothes unless this has been discussed by a member of staff/in the event of special days.


School uniform can be purchased in the following way: 


Order online at: or



Here’s a 10% discount code for your parents to save money on uniform from


Code = UNIFORM10

Expires 20/12/2024


You can also buy in person from Bailwood – 246 Lewisham High Street, London, SE13 6JU.


Many sizes available.