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Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page

Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Magnolia - Year 2

Magnolia Class

Mr Walker

If you have any questions, please email Mr Walker at:


Important Information

PE Days

Monday (Indoor/Outdoor)

Wednesday (Outdoor)


Book Bags


Training with Tottenham Hotspur FC

We used natural resources at Forest School and created our own butterflies.

Dissecting Fish - Removing Organs

Dissecting Fish - Making our first incisions

Preparing for our fish dissection lesson

At forest school we went on a minibeast hunt.

Mrs Hussein's maths group made clocks and used them to tell the time.

In PE, we have been learning dance routines

In Science, we have been observing the charcteristics of different creatures

In DT, we made mechanisms based on the Great Fire of London

In Science, we have been investigating materials and the absorption

In Literacy, we have been sharing our dragon stories

In Science, we used our knowledge of materials to build bridges

In Maths, we have been practising our 3 x table

In Science, we assessed which materials are best at supporting weight

In PE, we have been developing our gymnastics skills

In Science, we have been exploring materials

At Forest School we used a range of natural materials to create bird nests.

At Forest School we're creating nature based art

We're using mime to study body language

Class Dojo Winners

We're learning stories through drama

We have been practising counting in sequences

Our Class Dojo Winners

Representing Number Bonds

Number Bonds Using Small Beads

We Have Set Our Affirmations for the Year