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Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Eucalyptus - Year 1

Year 1 Summer 2 Spellings

Curriculum letter

Online Reading

Features of an Informal Letter

Easter Holiday Homework

We went to the Community Garden this week and planted some strawberries, beans, onions, carrots and flowers. We had great fun planting and getting our hands dirty.

 The secret password for tomorrow is Chad.  This is a country in Africa.  It is always hot there. Good Luck and let me know the password tomorrow. Miss Griffiths 

Eucalyptus Class please return your trip permission letter before next Friday 2nd December so you can come with us to The Albany Theatre in Deptford to see the Tin Foil Astronaut.

Well done to all the children in Eucalyptus who completed the Summer Homework Challenge. Have a look at their fantastic work.

Year 1 Spellings Autumn 2

Summer Homework Challenge due on Friday 30th September 2022

Remember we change WOW books every Friday.  Practise your spellings everyday ready for the quiz in Friday. Remember no book bag no books to take home. 

Curriculum Letter Autumn 1



Miss Griffiths is glad that you are all enjoying Year 1.


Remember to arrive in your school uniform for an 8:45am start. We finish at 3.15 Monday to Thursday and at 2.15 on Friday don't be late. 


P.E is on Monday and Friday bring your P.E kit into school and leave it ready for the next lesson.