Maths resources
New maths resources week beg: 1.6.2020
Can you solve this puzzle?
Click on the docs. and links below for maths resources.
Maths resources week beg: 1.6.2020
Year 7 maths
NEW maths resources-week beg: 18.5.2020
Can you solve the Mc Donald's puzzle?
Click the links below for more maths tasks.
Maths week beg: 18.5.2020
NEW maths resources week beginning: 11.5.2020
Click the links below to find new work for the week. More will follow!
Maths week beg: 11.5.2020
Good day to you. Please find new maths resources below
New maths resources 6.5.2020
NEW: Are you missing some of the year 6 maths? Click onto Mr Hammonds ks2 maths site. You will be able to fill any maths learning gaps you have and have access to past SATs papers.
NEW: Maths and literacy home learning Pack
The documents below (see link) has work for the children and answers for the adults. Good luck
Home learning pack link
Visit BBC bitesize for daily lessons
Not only will you find maths videos and information but literacy and foundations subjects too!
I like it because you can choose whichever year group you wish to work from .
Join the Maths Factor!
Fancy more maths work? Why not sign up for Carol's maths site? You will need your parents/adult to help you. See the link below.