All About Our Learning
15.3.18 - DT
Today in our DT lesson we started to make our own cottage/house that we thought would look perfect in the village of Mousehole. This links to our current Power of Reading text. We began by covering our boxes in paper, then once our paper was dry we painted over the white paper. After that we created our own 'brick work' using various materials. We also chose to create them in different shapes and sizes.
23.2.18 - Big Write
Today in English we carried out a big write after finishing the book of Oliver and the Seawigs. We created a story map to retell the story from a viewpoint of a chosen character. Once we finished our story maps, we used them to help us retell the story from our charachers' point of view in our own words. Below are a few pictures of us writing. We are really sorry about our 'messy' tables but we don't call them messy, we call them busy. They are busy tables because they have everything on there that we need to write an amazing story. Can you spot our story maps, word mats, dictionaries and even thesaurus'? We actually use all of these learning resources during most of our English and topic lessons and they really do help us along the way!!!

20.2.18 - English
Today in English our task was to retell the story of Oliver and the Seawigs in our own words. We had story maps to help us to remember the main events in the story. We had a whole class discussion too which helped us to remeber lots from the story. Once we had finished writing our stories, we swapped books with a partner and read eachothers story. After that, we had to write a comment in our partners book to explain something that we think they did really well in their writing and then another comment to explain how their work could be improved or we asked them to include something in their writing that they had not included already. We enjoyed reading eachothers work.
11.1.18 - Music
Today in our music lesson we used a variety of musical instruments to create our own chant. Our chant was linked to the text we are currently focusing on in English. It's called Oliver and the Seawigs. Have you read it? Below are some images and short clips of our performances.


5.12.17 - Science:
Today in science we carried out an investigation involving ice cubes.We placed cups of water with ice cubes in three different places around the classroom and regularly observed the cups to see which cup of water melted the quickest. We placed the cups of water on top of the radiator, on the window seal and in a cupboard. We also make sure it was a fair test by putting the same amount of water and ice in each cup. The cups were also the same size.
1.12.17 - English:
Today was 'Big Write' Friday and we spent the lesson retelling the story of The Ice Palace in our own words. We had all of our word mats out to help with our spellings and we also used dictionaries and thesauruses.
28.1.17 - Maths:
Today in maths we were estimating and measuring. After estimating, we had to measure various classroom objects in either cm or m. Some of us challenged ourselves by converting our measurements. Have a look at us working below.
20.11.17 - Maths:
Today in maths we worked in pairs to play 'Shops'. One of us was the customer and the other was the cashier. We were given a set amount of money to buy items and the cashier had to work out the change using a calculator. Afterwards we swapped roles. This was good practice because we haven't used a calculator much before (we use our brains instead ).

17.11.17 - Reading Club:
On Friday's we have a reading club as part of our guided reading session. One group each week gets to pick a book of their choice, get comfy around the book corner or carpet area and read quietly. At the end the session we get to discuss our book with a partner. This week was like a pyjama reading club because we were all dressed in our PJ's for Children in Need.

17.11.17 - Big Maths:
Today we practised our 3 times tables in big maths by playing a game called 'chase the chicken' We were given one minute to write as many times tables number sentences and answers as we could. Then we had to try again and this time, try to beat our previous score. It was fun!


8.11.17 - Maths
We have been learning about direction this week and we have been following directions that have been given to us such as a quarter turn, half turn and full turn. We have also been learning the difference between clockwise and anti-clockwise. We then moved on to learning all about angles. We have been drawing the correct angles on various 2-D shapes and labelling them either acute, right angle or obtuse.
3.11.17 - English
Today we worked in groups to create our own game to play in the village. We thought of games that we like to play and then changed them slightly to make a new game. We practised our game in the playground before showing the rest of the class. We then had to work together to create instructions for the games before writing them up in neat in our books. We even included a 'hint'about how to successfully complete the game. Come and ask us if you would like to know how to play our games.
2.11.17 - English
Today we worked in groups to create freeze frames based upon a scene from the village after completing the first chapter of our book. Firsrt, we had to create a freeze frame from summer time and then we created one from winter. We also had to include feelings and emotion. Can you tell by our faces?
1.11.17 - English
This week in English we started a new text caled 'Ice Palace'. We started the week by using adjectives to describe a given image. The image was similar to one from the book and we worked together in groups. After we swapped images to see if our friends from other tables could add words that we didnt think of. After that we used the adjectives we thought of to write sentences about the image. Our main task was to include expanded noun phrases in our sentences.
13.10.17- Maths
Today during our big maths session we played 'How well do you know your 3 times tables' with our peers. We had to ask the children to answer the times table we had written down on a post it note. If our parner got the answer correcct we had to swap post it notes and move on to the next person. We had lots of fun. Below is an example.

11.10.17 - English
This week in English we have been working with a partner to research information about a famous band from the 90's. We had to write out the information we found in full sentences under subheadings.
10.10.17 - Music
This week we have been learning to sing and dance to a very memorable Jackson 5 song. We will be performing a snipped in our upcoming class assembly. Can you guess the name of the song in the video below?

2.10.17 - English - 80's music:
Today in English we worked in pairs to find the answers to given question relating to Michael Jackson. Our answers will help us to create a Michael Jackson information booklet which is one of our tasks for this week.
28.9.17 - Science:
In science this week, we decided to do a spot of recycling in groups. We know that it is important to recycle and helps to save the planet. We had various materials and then we had to discuss which material group each object should be placed in before placing each item ito the chosen group. Below are some images of us in action. Remember... Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!!!
20.9.17 - Learning about 60's and 70's music:
Ouir topic this half term is called 'Thank you for the music' and we re learning all about music through the ages. This week we have been learning all about Elvis and his career as a famous singer. We even decided to test out some of his dance moves ourselves. We had lots of fun and loved learning all about his life. Did you know as well as singing, Elvis released lots of movies too? If you would like to find out more about Elvis, come and ask Maple Class. We have found out lots about him this week!


11.9.17 - Big Maths:
We had lots of fun today during our Big Maths CLIC session. We partcipated in Kung Fu counting using our knowledge of 3 times tables. We also worked very well with a partner and used our growth mindset to help us work out the answers. Below are some images of our Kung Fu counting skills.
5.9.17 - Topic Homework:
Our challenge over the summer holidays was to create a collage or image of our favourite band/artist to match our topic for this half term. Our topic is called 'Thank you for the music'
Here are a few images of the homework received so far.