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Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Baobab - Year 6

Year 6 Leavers Booklet.

You should have all received a letter or email about the upcoming events for Year 6 on the week beginning 13.07.20. Elfrida Primary will be giving out a Year 6 Leavers Booklet which will contain a collection of messages and pictures of your time at our school. Several pages will be have individual photographs of you. We would like you to write a short message that would accompany your picture. This can an inspirational quote, a favourite memory of your school years, a thank you to a particular teacher/teachers/TA's/other adults or a message to  your friends. You can email this to me on the Purple Mash email or to the school email (please include your name). Alternatively,  I could write down your message for you when I call your parent/s this week (of course if you are in school you will have an opportunity to do it there). If you have any questions please ring the school office.

Miss Dolphy's Group for Weeks Beginning 060720 & 130720

Big Maths 03.07.20

Congratulations to Che and Fatlum who completed their Big Maths todaysmileyyes! Come on the rest of you - there’s still time! I will be checking again on Sunday!

Big Maths 020720

Well done to Temi, Kaleysha, Blake, Freya, Chelsea, Micheal, Victor, Hashed, Arthur, Damien, Ediz and Ruby who have completed their Big Maths today smileyyes!

Big Maths 300620
Well done to Jake who completed his Big Maths todaysmileyyes!


Big Maths 29.06.20

Well done to Fayth, Miriam, Skye, Harun and Isaiah who have already completed their Big Maths for this weeksmileyyes!

Work for Week Beginning 29.06.20


Big Maths 260620

Congratulations to Temi, Victor, Ryan and Che who have completed their Big Maths todaysmileyyes! Come on the rest of you - you still have time to get it done!


BIG MATHS 24.06.20

Well done Fatlum, Isaiah, Fayth, Jake, Harun, Damien and Miriam who completed their Big Mathssmileyyes!

BIG MATHS W/B 22.06.20

A big congratulations to Skye and Freya who have already completed their Big Maths todaysmileyyes!

Emile Website

Please check in the Literacy Resource area (scroll down the page) for a new website called Emile. I have assigned some work from Tuesday 23rd June 2020. So if you're up for something new then this is the website for you. Check it out!

Big Maths 


Well done to Che, Victor, Ryan, Holly, Ediz, Sharon and Miriam who completed their Big Maths todaysmileyyes!  (190620) Apologies to Temi who did his Big Maths last week but didn't get a SHOUT OUT - WELL DONE TEMI! There is still time to get your BIG MATHS completed before Monday - so come on BAOBAB get it done!!! I will be checking again

this Sunday!


Well done to Fayth, Fatlum, Hashed, Damien, Jake, Harun and Isaiah who completed their Big Maths this weeksmileyyes! Come on the rest of you-try and get it done by Friday!

Hello Baobab,

We hope you are all keeping safe!

Make sure you keep your distance and try to exercise!

Week beginning 1st June

Hello Baobab how are you doing? It has been a while since we have seen you. Just to let you know we are still thinking about you. Continue to keep your chin up and stay safeheart

Happy Half Term year 6!

(Wk beg: 25.5.2020)

Enjoy your week off in the sun-More work will be added again next week! Stay safe laugh

Week beginning 18.5.2020heartheartheart

Hello Baobab hope you are well and continuing to stay safe. Please click below to see new (and old) resources for this week.laugh  Check Purple Mash for more fun activities!

P.S-It's sports day on Tuesday!-see the P.E link!

Monday 11th May 2020

Welcome to what would have been SATs week!

Do I hear awwwwwww?crying

Please find below links for things to do this week. As usual the previous work remains just in case you are still catching up!

Good Luck, stay safe and happy SATs week!laugh

VE Day - Victory in Europe!

Click on the power point below to find out more about why this Bank Holiday is celebrated and should be remembered! There are also two VE Day activities on Purple Mash - I look forward to you

completing those and putting them on our class pagesmiley.


Remember the 4 minute silence at 11 am. Have a good weekend Baobab!

Wednesday 6th May 2020 -GOOD NEWS!


Hello lovely Baobab - I hope you and your family are well? I would like to say Congratulations and Well done to those children who completed their Big Maths Activities last week we earned a Silver Medal which is pretty impressive yessmiley. I would love our class to win the Gold this week! Go for it Baobab - we want to knock Alder off the top spot (only YOU can do this)!!


REMINDERS - PLEASE CHECK UNDER THE RAINBOWS FOR NEW ACTIVITIES (there is a new one for Literacy). Keep doing Sumdog, TT Rockstars and Purple Mash (remember I will share excellent work on our class page).

Week beginning :Monday 4th May

Hello Baobab and welcome to another week of online resources to help you learn at home!

Behind the rainbows you will find last weeks resources -just in case you never got a chance to view them all. But ,best of all, at the top will be this weeks NEW resources!  Keep watching as more will be added throughout the week.


Good Luck-Missing you all

Ms Williams and Ms Dolphy heart

Play writers wanted!-Time extended!


As we begin the summer term, we would normally in year 6 be preparing for SATs. However we would also be getting ideas together for our end of year production.


Baobab-We challenge you to write a play which could be used for an end of year production.

The play must be interesting and should include at least 10-15 characters.

For an extra challenge you can also think of suitable songs which can be included in the play or write a song of your own!


The best play seen will be used in an Elfrida production in the future. The successful writer will be given acknowledgement and there is a possibility of a prize!


If you are interested-Please send your playscript entries via email on Purple Mash. Need help? tell the teachers when we call!


Closing date for entries is: Tuesday 19th May 2020

Good Luck!


Play script writing link:

Did you know you can email each other on Purple Mash? It's a great way to keep in touch.

Go on-give it a go!laugh

Week beginning 27th April 2020

Hello Baobab hope you and your families are well. Please find below tree tabs which we will be putting work into this week*. This will make it easier to find any new resources week by week!yes

*Keep checking it daily x

Friday 24th April 2020


Big Maths/Purple Mash

Congratulations and well done to those children that have completed their Big Maths today! They are Chelsea, Arthur, Miriam, Raihan, Michael and Hashed (although Harun you need to do the 

Clics and Learn Its). Please try and do this today the rest of you - you should all have your Big Maths logins - if not ring the school and they will give it to you.


There are more of you logging onto Purple Mash and completing the activities - well done! At the moment Freya is in the lead  with most of the activities completed and to a very high standard - congratulations Freya and keep up the good work! Others who have completed work include Ediz, Arthur, Kaleysha, Miriam, Skye, Raihan, Ryan, Hashed, Brooklyn, Temi and Harun - well done all of you! Remember I add new activities weekly.



Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Good morning lovely Baobab. Yesterday we gave you a writing challenge to write a play script(Scroll down for info).


Below is a link for  more writing tasks for you to do. Just click on the pencil.  Have fun cool!

Tuesday 21st April 2020

Hello Summer Term!

Please see below the spelling list for this half term.


New fitness site free for two weeks to try!

User Name : EPS3
Password : O1Puzkq1

Another website for you maths loversheart



White Rose Maths-Maths Online

This site has worksheets, videos and answers! You can even do year 8 maths!


Monday 20th April 2020

Good morning lovely Baobab children, how have you been? All the teachers and TA's are missing you heartWe hope you have all had a lovely weekend and are ready for another week of home school learning. 


Here are some new sites for you to use:



BBC Bitesize have launched daily home school lessons for you all. Please could you follow the link below to check them out. We will be asking you how you find these lessons when we speak with you over the phone. 

Here is the link:



The new online classroom -delivering classes daily. Read more about it below.

The online classroom is a new government site which was launched today-Monday 20th April. It features English,maths and foundation activities for reception to year 10 children. Have a go-maybe some of you year 6 children can try the year 7,8,9,10 work?? go on push yourself.laugh link below

Wednesday 15th April 2020


Hello to all Baobab Class! I hope you are all well and continuing to keep busy and safe. Thank you to those children who have completed activities that I have set on Purple Mash (I have added some more activities) and iHUB - well done to Brooklyn and Skye who are the top 2 leaders on the Class iHUB Leaderboard! Remember that there are logins for Sumdog, TT Rockstars, Purple Mash, Lexia and Big Maths to name but a few. If you do not have these logins, please ring the school and someone will be able to help you. I have also signed you all up for Emilie which is another website with a wealth of activities. As soon as I set some activities for you to do, I will let you know how to login. Below is another website which is a free talk for writing website. Please click on the link and have a go - it looks amazing with different and engaging writing activities! Check this page every few days for any updates and added activities.

Free Talk for Writing Activities

School Closure Homework Activities

iHub completed activities.


Well done to those children who have completed some of the comprehension activities on iHub. Remember unless you are unwell you need to be completing activities that are set for you! I will be checking iHUB again tomorrow (Thursday 26th March and Friday 27th). Please make sure you read the texts carefully and answer the questions fully (there are some of you who have not done this)! Again well done to those who have completed 3 or more comprehensions successfully - I have awarded points and made a comment for each text.


The following are websites and other downloaded activities for the children to do in the event that school closes. Please ensure that your child/ren logs in daily. They should ideally be doing a Numeracy and English for a minimum of 2 hours! We will regularly update the activities and also we will be checking for completed work on Purple Mash. Additionally, children can use their homework books for revision and also completing the activities in them.

Online learning: For passwords for TT rockstars,Ihub,Sum dog and purple Mash-Call the office at Athelney for passwords and logins!!!

Key Stage 2 Creative Writing Project - Eye of the Storm Lesson 3

Here is the third lesson in a series of creative writing sessions aimed at writing a story. The link below is the video we will use to inspire amazing writing. I hope someone has been writing up a storm in Baobab!!

Key Stage 2 Creative Writing Project - Eye of the Storm Lesson 2

Here is the second lesson in a series of creative writing sessions aimed at writing a story. The link below is the video we will use to inspire amazing writing. Well done to those who joined in with lesson 1. Now get writing!

Key Stage 2 Creative Writing Project - Eye of the Storm Lesson 1

Here is the first lesson in a series of creative writing sessions aimed at writing a story. The link below is the video we will use to inspire amazing writing. Children will be able to watch the video and get inspiration to write with the help from The literacy Shed.
Good luck children and get writing!!

A message from The Body Coach - Joe Wicks:

Introducing "P.E. With Joe"
Daily Live Workouts for Kids 😀


Join Joe Wicks every day next week for a home workout 😀

Starting Monday 23rd March I'm going to be hosting a free workout aimed at kids LIVE on my YouTube channel.


Come on get moving!!!

Additional Online Activities

All children have a iHUB login and TT Rockstar login so please ensure your child/ren are using these. If they have not been in school - please call the office at Athelney where all passwords for iHUB,TT Rockstars and Purple Mash can be found.


Have a go at following these instructions to draw some simple pictures.

Welcome to Baobab class with Mrs Williams

and Miss Dolphy.

Friday 10th January 2020


Welcome to the Spring Term and Happy New Year!  Your children have made a good start this week and the majority of them have come back focused and ready to work hard this term. As you are aware the SATS are looming and it is very important that your children attend school everyday so as to not miss any of their learning. Today they have been sent home with a curriculum letter, a spelling list and their new homework books.



Please ensure that your children are reading daily. Ask them what they are reading in class and at home. It is also very important that they read a range of books not just fiction but non-fiction as well.


Spring 1 Curriculum Letter

Spring 1 Spelling List

Homework Books

Your children received their new homework books today (100120). These include Maths, Reading and GPS. As usual, homework is due on Wednesdays. If your child needs help there is a Homework Club on Mondays and Tuesdays between 12.30 - 1 o'clock. Additionally, Miss Dolphy runs a homework club on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school.

It is very important that your children keep their old books as they are a very good revision resource.

Curriculum letter for Autumn

Spellings for Year 6

School Journey Information