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Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Working From Home - Week Beginning 23.11.20

Work on Microsoft Teams 25.11.20. A few of you have contacted me saying you cannot write on the test papers. I apologise for this - I’m not sure why this is so for now open the tests from the class page and write out your answers. I will add the answers (as I did last week) on the class page this afternoon.

Baobab's Timetable Week Beginning 23.11.20



Good morning Baobab Class and Happy Wellbeing Wednesday (this is our last day of self-isolation so a happy day indeed)!

Try this fun online Mandala colouring activity for Wellbeing Wednesday (remember what you learnt about the beneficial effects of  mindful colouring). It is a stress reliever and calms the Amygdala -aka Amy- of the brain.


I have added your activities for today in Wellbeing (Mindful Breathing) Maths, English, Spellings and PE.

Maths and English as promised are in Assignments on Microsoft TEAMS however I have still put the reasoning test and comprehension on our class page (please read the instructions for Maths and English under the icons above).

I look forward to receiving and marking  your work today on Microsoft TEAMS. Have a fabulous day and I hope to see you all in school tomorrow.

Tuesday 24th November 2020

Good morning Baobab - I hope you are all well? I hope your parent/carers received a text message from the school yesterday informing you that we can end our self-isolation on Thursday so you can come into school on that day? It would be lovely to see you all return and the next day is an INSET DAY so you will have a long weekend!


Thank you to Poppy and Khylan who have sent completed work to the class email. 


Remember I will be adding work on Wednesday to the Microsoft Teams (Arithmetic and Reasoning Tests and a comprehension). In order to check that you are able to access this Mr Black sent a document in Assignments so if you have received this please answer the question that he has asked.

In the meantime please find the activities for today which include Mindful Breathing, Spellings, Maths, English, Diversity and PE. Have an enjoyable day Baobab!

Monday 23rd November 2020

Good morning Baobab - I hope you are well and had a lovely weekend with your family? As I did last week I have set out a timetable of activities for this week (excluding Friday which is an Inset Day). On Wednesday I will be putting work on Microsoft TEAMS which will include the Arithmetic and Reasoning Test for Maths and a Comprehension for English so I will be able to mark them myself.

Thank you to Sho'mari (for work he had completed this week) Kevin (Maths results from Arithmetic and Reasoning tests) and Taya (for What Went Well) that was sent to the class email.


In the meantime please find the activities for today which are Mindful Breathing, Spellings, Maths, English and Computing on Purple Mash. Please ensure that you are reading everyday and practise your times tables if you are not confident up to the 12 times tables. Remember if you need to contact me you can do so on our class email or message me on Microsoft Teams. Have a lovely day!