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Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Palm - Year 4

28/6/16 We matched actions to Swahili vocabulary to help us learn the language

24/6/16 Congratulations to our class dojo winner for this week

23/6/16 We have been performing adaptations of Theseus and the Minotaur

22/6/16 Enjoy the new display from literacy club

21/6/16 We have been studying the uses of molars, canines and incisors in science

20/6/16 We have been presenting our Greek Myths in groups

16/6/16 Well done to everyone for the assembly today

15/6/16 Come to our class assembly on Thursday

14/6/16 Today to we played a game of Battleships to practise our co-ordinates

1/6/16 Today we had a street dance session

13/5/16 - Today we celebrated our back to the future topic

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21/4/16 This week we have been creating Greek Pottery

20/4/16 Story Map-Yemariam

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13/4/2016 Palm Class are learning the Thriller dance routine

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11/4/16 Our Class Dojo Winner

21/3/16 - Buy a ticket to Brazil

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Have a look at the adverts we made in Computing.

18/3/16 Sports Relief Obstacle Course

9/3/16 We used our knowledge of ratios to design the perfect drink

1/3/2016 Palm Class have been writing letters to persuade parents to come in and read with the class.

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Yemariam's Persuasive

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23/2/16 Look how much our dancing has improved!

Our curriculum leaflet for spring 2016.




Palm class have been experimenting to find how sound waves travel through different materials. We designed sound mufflers from our knowledge to block sounds.






















The children from year 4 who have been on a green card all year were treated to a circus skills workshop today.




In Computing Palm Class used their knowledge of file paths, text editors, browsing and uploading to generate Memes to create awareness of national toilet day. Memes are humorous pictures and videos with captions.


Today in Numeracy the children planned and carried out their own investigations involving measurement. Many of the children chose to measure the weights of the classmates before recording their data in the form of a table and chart.


Today Palm Class had a balanced argument about who invented the flushing toilet. The children presented their arguments but were torn between Thomas Crapper and Alexander Cumming in their final vote. Ask your child their thoughts!


Who votes for Thomas Crapper?


Who votes for Alexander Cumming?


Yemariam produced an excellent piece of work in literacy today. She identified 10 unfamiliar words from the year 5 and 6 spelling list, learned their definitions and was able to use each of them in a sentence. Well done Yemariam.


Today in their guitar lesson Palm Class have been learning to play the song 'Easy Bees'.

Palm Class Guitar


Palm class were measuring food items and converting between grams and kilograms in Numeracy today.


Palm Class donated to children in need and helped to raise awareness by dressing up as Superheroes.

Iron Man visited

Teacher: Mr Walker

Support Staff: Ms Dolphy,

Look at our latest curriculum letter