Silver Birch - Year 4
Welcome to Silver birch class page! We in Silver birch want to share a warm welcome back to all in the second-half of the summer term!
Silver birch Tree
Sponsored Bounce…
Well done, Silverbirch Class! You worked incredibly hard at the sponsored bounce. Let’s hope we can get some great playground equipment for our school thanks to your efforts and those of others. The children had five minutes each to see how many bounces they could do in order to complete for their sponsorship. They all did so well!

Sports Day 2024!
Key stage two had a brilliant sports day! The children did fantastic at all the different activities many challenges themselves to do task that they had never done before. If they didn’t win, they still honoured and Payments joint into. Below are some pictures that capture the different parts of the day. Do you enjoy!
Year 4 Cricket Tournament 2024!
The children in year 4, all took part in the brilliant local schools’ tournament. It was a glorious day and they all tried their best and played really well!
I would like to say a really huge THANKS to all the parent helpers and TAs that helped on the day to make it one to remember!
Well done, to one of our 5 qualifying groups that managed to get into the QUARTER FINALS!
They did GREAT!
Here are some highlights from the day!
Year 4 Cricket Tournament Summer 2024!
This Summer Term,the children have been engaging in DT by learning to sew. Below is a snippet of how well they have been doing this in class!
Coin Purse Making for DT and our Topic on the Romans...
In Spring, our school celebrated National Science Week.
Here is a snapshot of some of the activities that we did !!
Our Topic this half term in Science is…
Here are year 4 investigating circuits!
For Science Week we were looking at the concept of ‘Time’!

For D.T, the children made their own chocolate products to mark the end of the topic!