Work to do during school closure
Good morning Beech Class and welcome to this week's Wellbeing Wednesday. Below are all the resources you will need for today's activities. Remember, if you do not have access to a printer and would like the resources printed out, you can call the school office at Elfrida and have them printed out ready to come and collect.
Continue to send in photographs of all the awesome things you are doing!
Have fun.
Home Learning Tasks
Download Home Learning Tasks
Work set for week beginning 8th June 2020
I hope everyone is well, there will be quite a few rainy days this week, but don't worry. There are lots of activities to keep you busy this week and help you take steps forward in your learning journey.
Work set for week beginning 1st June 2020
Please find below new off-screen tasks for you to be doing along with the work being set on-line. Thank you to those of you who have been sending in photographs of the things you have been doing. Please keep taking photographs and sending them in to me. I love seeing what you are up to. I look forward to receiving lots more examples/evidence of your learning.
Enjoy, work hard and learn lots.
Lockdown Sports Day 2020
On the 19th May it was meant to be our Sports day. Unfortunately, we won’t get a chance to do this altogether this year. But why not bring Sports day into your household? You could compete against your family- brothers, sisters, dad, mum, carers, grandparents.
There are certificates/rosettes attached below; however, you can make your own certificates/rosettes/trophy’s.
Please remember one thing. This is a fun activity and the main idea is to have FUN with your family. The referee in charge of recording the points may deduct one point if you aren’t showing good sportsman ship. If there is an activity that isn’t your strong point- use your growth mindset and try your best. You could also use this as a learning curve to practise a particular activity a little more. All of these activities listed below will help with some form of PE skills e.g. strength, hand eye coordination, accuracy, speed, balance.
Whichever activities you choose to do, you will get an automatic point, as it is the participation that counts. You’ll also get a chance to win a bonus point. Record your points on a piece of paper or you can print off the table attached below.
- Join us from home all day on Tuesday the 19th May 2020 for our Stay at Home Sport’s Day.
- Take part in all the activities we have suggested in your gardens, living rooms, bedrooms and even your kitchens if you wish!
- All you need to do is ensure you do is take part in the challenges and have fun with your family.
- Please take photos of your day and post them on our twitter page @ElfridaSchool using the hashtag #StayAtHomeSportsDay and send them to me via Purple Mash and I will put them on our class page for everyone to see.
Everything you need for your Stay at home sports day
Tasks Set Week Beginning 18th May
Hello Beech Class,
It’s been great to see so many of you completing weekly Big Maths challenges and tasks on iHub First News. There has also been some great art coming through so well done for continuing to try your best with activities.
Below you’ll find some new challenges and activities for this week.
Daily Fact Calendar
Blue Peter Badge
DK Find Out
Story Time – A Book a Day
Geography Games
Ancient Greece
Children’s University Manchester
Tasks Set Week Beginning 4th May
Hello Beech Class,
I hope you are all staying safe and well and not missing school, Mr Walker and Ms Elliott too much
Below, are some activities for you to be doing so you are not spending all the time looking at screens. There is a creative task, PE activities for every day, Science experiments and some fun poetry. Please take photographs of the things you do and send them to me as attachments to an email in Purple Mash.
Work Set for Week Beginning 27th April
This morning (Mon 27th), I have set lots of new tasks in Purple Mash and Emile. Please log in and start getting the work done.
I have noticed that many of you are struggling with answering the 3 star answers in First News. These are the ones that require you to PEE. In order to help you and give you some support and practice, I have put some resources on our class page to help you. Please take a look at them and do the practice before your next reading comprehension. I hope you find these useful. I look forward to reading much more detailed answers in First News reading comprehensions.
I have also set you all a PE challenge for this week. You will find a link to Alphabet Fitness Challenge.with all the PE links on our class page. The challenge is to create your own 30 minute work out session using the alphabet challenges. The session should be similar to a Joe Wicks work out with short bursts of activitiy followed by a short rest. You need to try your workout session to see how easy/difficult it is. When you are happy with your workout, send it in via email and I will put it on our class page so your class mates can have a go at trying out your workout session.
Please also send in photographs of any of your project/art work you have been doing. I would like to be able to see what you have been doing and share it with the rest of the class too by putting it up on our class page.
I hope that will keep you all busy this week
Any questions, just email me via Purple Mash and I will do my best to help you.
Missing you all.
Stay safe
Week Beginning 20th April
Hello Beech class, I hope you managed to safely enjoy some of the glorious weather we had over the bank holiday weekend and the 2 week school break.
BBC Bitesize have just released a series of daily homeschooling videos and activities. I have added a link below to the Year 5 lessons. Do log in and enjoy.
Also, LitFilmFest has issued a series of daily lessons linked to El Dorado (the text is provided on their website). Lessons will be released daily at 10.30am. You will need to subscribe to access the videos but you do not need to pay, the lessons are free.
Daily El Dorado Home Learning Lesson Schedule
LitFilmFest El Dorado Text
Tasks Set:
Today, 15th April, I have set an email task (Preventing the Corona Spread) on Purple Mash. Who will be the first to complete it?
I am looking forward to reading your emails.
Regular Updates
Please make sure you regularly check the links below as many new ones are being added.
Today, 7th April, lots of interesting links have been added, especially under writing as I heard lots of you had been asking for more writing suggestions. There are now lots.
Also added, virtual trips, nature activities, learn to play chess, Shakespeare's Globe and many more. Check to see which new links you like.
School Closure Homework Activities
The following are websites and other downloaded activities for the children to do during the school closure. Please ensure that your child/ren logs in daily. This is not a holiday and children should ideally be doing a Numeracy and English for a minimum of 2 hours! We will regularly update the activities and also we will be checking for completed work on Purple Mash. A recommended timetable has also been included.
Additional Online Activities
All children have a iHUB login so please ensure your child/ren are using this.
If your child does not know their log in details, please call the office and they will give it to you.
Recommended Timetable
Point, Evidence and Explain (PEE) Resources to help and support with reading comprehension answers.
Ancient Greek Topic Project Homework
Big Maths - CLIC Parent Packs
General Activities
Science and DT
10 more STEM activities
Looking for a creative challenge?
How about recreating paintings with things you can find at home?
Even though most of us are stuck at home during coronavirus quarantine and can’t go out and enjoy art in museums, that doesn’t mean that life has to be boring or uncultured. Here is a challenge to recreate your favourite works of art from the safety of your own homes. Below are some examples to get you inspired.
Please take photos of your creations and send post them on the Elfrida Facebook Page or Twitter if you can. If not, send them in via the school email. We will post them on the class pages for everyone to see.
Have a go at following these instructions to draw some simple pictures.