Literacy resources
Emile Website!
New literacy resources wk beg: 1.6.2020
New literacy resources week beg: 1.6.2020
Year 7 English resources
New literacy resources: week beginning 18.5.2020
Can you tell the story of the little girl below?
WHAT IF....?
Think about as many questions as you can. Write about one. e.g...What if all the cars in London were white-What would happen in the story?
Childhood picture
Imagine your childhood pictures were to come alive. What would happen? Write a story about it.
See links below for more literacy resources
New literacy resources 18.5.2020
NEW literacy resources for this week
11.5.2020- Click the docs. below.
Literacy docs. 11.5.2020
NEW-Why not try the tasks in this document? Click below.

NEW: Oxford Owl reading.
Fancy reading new books? Log on* to Oxford Owl. You can find a range of books for you to enjoy.
1. Go to: (link below)
2. Click on the red button: My class login
3.Login.... Username: baobab6
Password: Read owl (Don't the space button)
NEW: A brilliant writing resource.
Why not use Pobble 365 to write a story, play,diary.......
Included is a helpful guide to support your creative flow!!
Good morning!- 6.5.2020
Please find below literacy resources for you!!
Literacy resources
Writing task
Have a look at the picture below. What can you see? hear ? smell?
Write a story about what could happen?
Year 6 Leavers’ Book
Just because we are not in school, it doesn’t mean that we can’t put together our very special Y6 Leavers’ Book. However, it does mean that you will have to be organised and send in your contributions when we ask for them and we will only be able to publish what we have. So, if you want to be in it, get sending!
Over the next two weeks you need to do the following:
- Write your personal profile (no more than 200 words) telling the audience about you. Pretend you are telling your new secondary school teacher about who you are, what you like/dislike/favourite subjects.
- Only if you have permission...Attach two photos – one around the time of starting school and one from Y6-if you have it!
- Write a funny memory from school life –You could talk about friends/teachers/lunchtimes/school trips.....
- This year we are going to include a Lockdown LOLs page. We would like to include photos so please take pictures of your days away! We need your permission so remember to ask your parents first! (optional task).
- Finished pieces of work should be send via email from PURPLE MASH!