28.4.17-Below is the curriculum letter for summer 1. If you have any questions, please come and ask.
28.4.17- Well done to all of the children that completed their garden homework projects. They are all lovely!
28.3.17-Well done to all of the children that kept their card on green all of this term! As a treat, the year 2 children went to Pizza Express and made lovely pizzas.
15.3.17- In Science today, we worked in partners to group minibeasts.
3.3.17-This week was World Book Week and we have read a lot of books. We have also looked at different books to produce written work. On Tuesday, we had the Wizard Stories where a story was told to us. Additionally, we created a book cover on the door. Yesterday, we dressed up as book characters
24.2.17-Look at our amazing homework projects! We were asked to make attractions around the world. Do you know what they are?
8.2.17-Today we went on a school trip to the National Maritime Museum. We all had a lovely time there. We looked at many things to do with famous explorers and inventors and learnt a lot. All of us went on a Story Ship trail where we had to find the answers to questions given to us. After that, we made our way to the Ahoy! workshop where we got to carry out role play activities. Thank you to all the adults that supported during the trip
3.2.17-We had an amazing Science assembly!
18.1.17-We have been looking at the book The Twits and have really been enjoying it! Today, we acted out the chapter called The Glass Eye. We had a great time getting into the role of Mr and Mrs Twit.
13.1.17-Below is the curriculum letter for this half term. If you have any questions, please come and ask
5.1.17-Today the year 2 children went to Gambados. They all had an amazing time there! The children enjoyed climbing on the equipment and sliding down the slides. Even the adults had a go and had a lot of fun. We would like to thank all of the adults that came and supported during the trip
16.12.16-We took elfies on elf day!!
29.11.16-Today we used actions to learn the story The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark.
25.11.16-This week we have used the numberline to multiply numbers.
22.11.16-Today Sycamore class were detectives!
Sycamore class went to investigate the key stage 2 library after it was trashed. The children gathered notes on what they could see. Do you know who did this? If you have an idea, please let us know!
We covered ourselves in spots for children in need.
18.11.16-Today we wrote our own versions of Jack and the beanstalk. Makhi changed the character of Jack to a ninja!
14.11.16-Well done to Farhan! Throughout the day he was able to tell me words with the diagraphs that we looked at during Phonics