October Half Term Holiday Homework
Year 6 have been asked to complete 3 tasks from the Mayan Civilisation Homework Grid below. We are asking them to take photographs of the work they do and send them in via the class email: mahogany@kafed.org.uk
Hopefully, they will also be able to bring them in at some point.
Mayan Civilization Homework Projects
Look at some of the fantastic pieces of half term homework that have been sent in so far.
Just to remind you that the 3 pieces are due in tomorrow. The children have until the end of this half term to complete the rest of the options from the grid.
Oxford Owl Reading
We have signed up to Oxford Owl which is an award-winning free website to help your child practise reading at home. A letter was sent out this week with your child informing them of all the necessary login details and which book level they should be reading. If you have not seen this letter, there is a copy attached below. If your child has lost the letter and does not know which level books they should be reading, please email Mrs Efrat on the class email: Mahogany @kafed.org.uk and she will be able to email the details to you. We hope your child enjoys reading the e-books.
Oxford Owl Letter
Autumn 1
Until further notice, the children will be completing their SATs Buster books for GPS, Reading and Maths in school. Normally, this would be the Year 6 homework but due to the current situation, their books must remain in school.
We are asking for the children to complete a reading comprehension on First News Ihub for their homework. If your child has forgotten their log in details, please email their class teacher and they will send you their details. You can find the email addresses on the curriculum letter sent home on 18.09.20. The curriculum letter is also on the class web pages too.