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Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.


WHAT WENT WELL?  20.11.20


Even though we were in self-isolation this week Baobab I would like you to write what you think went well.  Look at the activities that you have completed this week and write down 3 things you learnt and you particularly enjoyed.



Happy Wellbeing Wednesday Baobab! Unfortunately due to Copyright Laws I am unable to put the Wellbeing activity on our class page so I have found another alternative.


It's called Wellbeing activities for 7 days (which was an activity children could do during lockdown). There are some lovely activities on this so please pick which ones you would like to do. I would love if you could share some of these so I can put them on our class page. You could do these activities over the period we are self-isolating.

Tuesday 17th November 2020


Unfortunately the 5 to Thrive website on the BBC was for last week during Children in Need. However you can still access the 5 minute workout with Joe Wicks so please do this each morning before you start work. Alternatively, you can do the breathing activities that we do in class (e.g.

Colour Breathing, Feather Breathing) these can be found on our class page. As Sho'mari says these breathing activities set him up for the day!


I will try and add it here when I can get onto the school server.