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Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Maple - Year 3

Welcome to Maple Class

All the children are settling in well and beginning to get used to being back in school.  Our class rules have been established and routines have been set in place.

Autumn Term

Year 3's topic this term is The Stone Age.  The children have already started learning about the assets and threats Stone Age people faced.  They have learnt that some can be both.


This term they will be looking into various aspects of Stone Age life and discovering what we can learn from cave paintings.  In art, they will be creating their own cave paintings.  Watch this space for more.

Art - Andy Goldsworthy

Year 3 will be learning about the artist and sculptor Andy Goldsworthy this term.  All his creations are made from natural objects: leaves, stones, rocks, twigs, wood, ice, snow etc.  He makes them in nature and they are not permanent: he leaves them to be blown away or dismantled by the elements.  He records his artwork by taking photographs of them.  The children will be finding out information about the artist and will be looking at a variety of his artwork. 


As soon as the autumn leaves start falling, they will be asked to collect some, as well as twigs, berries, stones in order for them to be able to create their own pieces of artwork inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.

Music - Guitar

Year 3 have been very lucky this year as they will be having weekly guitar lessons.  As they progress, they will not only be learning to play the guitar but they will also be learning how to read music notation.