Jacaranda - Year 3
Wecome back Jacaranda! It's the start of an exciting new term. We will be learning lots about growing plants and Tropical Rainforests around the world! Look out for exciting writing from year 3 from their upcoming writing week! Below is the latest addition of our curriculumn leaflet!
Here is Jacaranda's new newsletter!
Soon it will be the start of our fun new topic called
'How To Keep My Brain Amazing!'
Watch this space...!
Keep up the green days guys!
Let's get a green week!
Hi All
This term the children in Jacaranda class have been working on lots of fun and interesting things!
They have been looking at instructions, story-writing myths in Literacy. In science they have been working on understanding rocks and soils to tie in with their current topic focus on 'The Stone age!
The children recently dressed up to support the charity 'Children in Need'! Many came dressed in costumes to mark the theme of 'Superheroes'. I would like to say a huge thank you to all the children and their parents for the effort they made to dress up!
At the end of the last half term we had a great trip to
Rascals with all the children in year 3! There was
lots of fun and laughter and
great time had by all!
Teacher: Ms Campbell
Support Staff: Miss Burton, Mrs Pateman