Examples of Learning
28.3.17 - Year 2 green Card Trip to Pizza Express:
Today, all of the children in Year 2 who stayed on a green card for the whole term went on a school trip to Pizza Express. When we first got there, we all washed our hands then we had to put special aprons and hats on. The lovely manager talked to us about certain foods that were used to make pizza and also the different toppings that are used. We got to touch and smell some of the ingredients which was fun! Next, we were each given a ball of dough that we had to flatten using our hands. We even got to throw it up in the air and catch it. After that, we had to put our pizza bases into a round pizza tin and flatten some more. Once our base was evenly spread out in the tin we got to add the tomato sauce and spread it all over the base. Finally, we added cubes of mozzarella cheese all around our pizza and then it went into the pizza oven for 4 minutes until it was cooked. Once it was cooked we got to eat 2 slices in the restaurant and then we saved the rest for when we went home. It was such a fantastic day and each and every one of us had an amazing time making pizzas. Not only did we make pizzas, we also got our very own pizza making certificates too!
10.3.17 - Literacy:
In literacy today we worked in a group to carry out a roleplay activity. We retold the story of The Magic Bed using the actions and expressions we have been learning throughout the week in class.
7.3.17 - Science:
Today in science we went on a mini hunt around school. We worked in partners to see how many minibeasts we could find. We also discussed their habitat and the foods each minibeast could eat to stay alive.
3.3.17 - World Book Week:
This week has been world book week so each class dedcide to turn their classroom door into a book cover of their choice. We chose Hansel and Gretel by Anthony Browne. We also all dressed up as our favourite book characters. Pine class love any excuse to dress up!
25.2.17 - Children's homework creations:
The children were given a project to complete as their homework for half term They were asked to draw a picture of create a model of a famous landmark/attraction from around the world. Below are examples of the children's amazing efforts.
8.2.17 - School Trip
Today Year 2 went on a school trip to the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich. Everyone had a great day and we looked at looks of exciting things to do with famous explorers and inventors. After that we went on a Story Ship trail where we had to find the answers to questions given to us and find and draw particular images related to exloring in the past. Additionally, we also had a great time in the Ahoy! workshop where we got to carry out role play activities. Please look at our pictures below.
2.2.17 - Art
In art today, we focused on creating Mr and Mrs Twit created arts and crafts for our new display. We worked very well together and had lots of fun. We also made the classroom very messy but we worked as a team to tidy it up after.
31.1.17 - RE
In RE today, we discussed the importance of values. We decided which values we thought were most important to us personally and why it is important to value others.
31.1.17 - Literacy
In literacy today, we worked with a partner to 'hot seat' each other in the role of Muggle-Wump and write down the response using inverted commas. Our challange was to include adverbs and words other than said.
19.1.17 - Literacy
In literacy today, we acted in role with a parter as Mr and Mrs Twit. We each had a chapter to read through and then we practised acting out the chapter with a partner using actions, thoughts and feelings.
19.1.17 - Reading
In Pine class we love to read with each other. We always make sure we spend a little time partner reading with our peers. We read a page each and sometimes we help each other out with words we find a little tricky
18.1.17 - Maths
In maths today, we made our own 3D shapes using polydron.
16.1.17 - Maths
In maths today, we worked together to sort 3D shapes into a venn diagram according to their faces. We then moved on to describing the properties of 3D shapes. Below are some images.
13.1.17 - Maths:
Today in maths, we had to work with a partner to work out the change from a given amount. We had to take it in turns, with one of us being the shop keeper and one of us buying from the shop. We then swapped around. Each table had a different amount of money to spend, with different priced items which we labelled ourselves. It was fun but we found it quite challenging at times and had to use our growth mindset to problem solve.
11.1.17 - Art:
Today in Art we created our own sketches of Mr Twit. The Twits is our new core text in Literacy so we decided to draw our very own images that we could use for our upcoming display. We made sure we focused on his hairy facen and included some of the food that he had stuck in his beard... YUK!
10.1.17 - Science:
In Science today, we worked in groups to create collages using a variety of materials. We then had to name each material and describe how the felt.
12.12.17 - Elf Day
Take a look at our selfies from 'Elf Day'.
We had a great day making and decorating snowflakes.
8.12.16 - Class Assembly:
Below are some pictures of our class assembly. We enjoyed performing our modelled story of 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark' to our adults. We also showed them some of the Art work we produced and we also modelled how we work out addition number sentences in Maths.
31.11.16 - Literacy
In literacy, our new text is called 'The Owl Who Was Afriad of the Dark'. Our learning is all based around Talk4Writing so we began our learning by reading the teaxt and then adapting it by creating a story map together. After that we had to learn our adapted text by putting our acting skills into good use. Below are some examples of our hard work and efforts. Each day our acting and knowledge of story language is improving. We are so proud of ourselves!
Take 1:
22.11.16 - RE:
Today in RE, we focused on forgiveness. We watched a short clip called 'The Lost Son' and then had a circle time to share our views on what we watched. We then worked with a talk partner to speak about the importance of forgiveness. We also spoke about times that we might have made the wrong choice either at school or at home and how we had been forgiven by others.
22.11.16 - Literacy:
This week in literacy we are focusing on newspaper articles. This morning we had turn into journalists and investigate a crime scene in our school library. We are not quite sure what happened, who did it, why it happened and when, but we are using our detective skills to work out the answers. We started off by closely observing the crime scene and taking notes on what we saw. When we returned to class, we discussed our notes in groups and then wrote a recount to explain what we saw.
Do you have any information about this incident that could be useful to our investigation? If so, please report it to a member of pine class as it could be vital information and it might lead us to the culprit/culprits. Thank you!
21.11.16 - Handwriting:
In Pine Class, we are all working hard on our cursive handwriting skills. We spend a little time practising each day whilst listening to calming music. Our handwriting is improving all the time and many of us now have a pen license.
18.11.16 - Children in Need:
Today, many of us dressed up in spotty clothes and donated £1 to support Children in Need. Below are some pictures of us dressed up. How fabulous do we look?!
16.11.16 - Science:
In Science today, we learnt all about heart rate and the how it changes when exercising. We had to choose between 5 different exercise activities and predict how many times our heart would beat after carrying out the exercise. We then how to count how many heart beats per minute using a stethoscope to help us. We had lots of fun whilst doing a little exercise!
14.11.16 - Maths
In maths today we made our very own analogue clocks. The children then had to use their clocks to show various times. We turned our lesson into a little quiz and had lots of fun.
14.11.16 - Maths Starter:
Today's starter in maths was learning how to add using a numberline. Lucas came up to the front and modelled how to work out the answer to the whole class and guess what... he got the answer CORRECT!!! He was rewarded with a very sparkly sticker and housepoints. Well done Lucas!
Literacy - 14.11.16
Today in literacy we completed a big write by producing our very own information text. We based our writing on a made up monster. Some monsters were scary, some were friendly and some were very silly indeed. Below are some examples of our writing.