Home Learning June 2021
Home Learning June 2021
Home learning tasks will be placed here. I will be making phone calls on Monday 14th of June to parents/carers to explain the home learning pack that your child is required to complete for the duration of their home learning period. The packs will be available either remotely or by collection once we have spoken to you individually. The phone call will be made from an unknown number so please answer the call.
In addition to home learning tasks provided here, please ensure your child completes their Big Maths Challenges online as well as accessing Duolingo, First New iHub which is GREAT for reading comprehension and TT Rockstars during the bubble closure. If your child uses Lexia in school, please encourage them to log on for at least 30 minutes daily. The links to all of these learning platforms can be found here: https://www.elfridaprimary.org.uk/remote-learning/
Please search your emails to find the login details that were sent during the previous lockdown. If you are unable to find these, please let me know and I'll happily send them again.
Please do not hesitate to email me at cypress@kafed.org.uk with any questions or queries.
Once again, thank you for your continued support!
Mrs Holland
E-Safety Session
Please click the link below for the E-Safety session.
Home Learning
Friday 11th June 2021
Early Morning Work
BOGGLE - How many words can you make using the letters?
Suffixes - Please complete and put the words into a sentence. Challenge: Can you think of any other suffixes?
Magic Number - How many ways can you make the number 245? Remember you can use addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
SPAG- Adverbs
Can you complete the sentences below using the adverbs?
Please create your own sentences containing adverbs.
Literacy- Big Write
World Oceans Day- Letter Writing
Can you write a letter to your local supermarket explaining why we should reduce the amount of plastics used?
Think about...
- The issues we have been looking at this week in class that the ocean faces due to plastic.
- Including facts you have learnt this week during World Oceans Day.
- How we can make the Ocean safe again.
- How harmful plastic can be to sea animals and marine life.
Please include...
- The features of the a letter - we have been looking at this throughout the week.
- Paragraphs
- Facts we have learnt this week.
- Expanded noun phrases
- Fronted adverbials
Remember to read over your work, check for capital letters and full stops as well make any edits.
Use the checklist below to check you have included all of the features of a letter.
Please complete your Big Maths Challenges online before completing the tasks below.
Today, your task is to complete word problems using reasoning. You need to read each question carefully and then decide which, out of the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication or division) you need to use to work out your answer.
There are a number of different word problem sheets for you to choose from. Please choose one that you think best suits your ability, but please also try to challenge yourself. Maybe you could complete more than one?
Home Learning - Monday 14th June 2021 - Friday 18th June 2021
Please click on the correct learning pack below. Your parent/carer will be told the colour pack you are required to complete on Monday 14th June.
Please ensure you complete all required tasks and activities that have been set.