Willow - Year 1
Teacher: Miss Griffiths
Support Staff: Miss Beard
Home Learning – Please ensure that your child learns their spellings EVERY WEEK for the spelling quiz on Friday. This will help them tremendously in their reading and writing and is a great self-esteem booster! We share spelling results each week. Homework is due in on a Wednesday.
This term our topic is Kings and Queens. To celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's 90th Birthday we made a Victoria sponge cake. We also dressed up in red, white and blue or as a king or queen. Have a look at our photographs.
Have a look at us making pineapple upside down cake.
Every week there is new numeracy homework set using the Abacus website. Your child must log in using the following details:
Website address is: www.activelearnprimary.co.uk
Username is your child’s first name: all lower case
Password is: school
School code is: elfr
Please encourage your child to have a go and see how much fun they can have. We will be regularly adding on new activities for them to do.