Silver Birch - Year 4
Hi parents/carers,
Please look at the poster and link below if you would like your child to take part in a free zoom choir. The choir will start on 28th July. In order to take part, you will need to sign up and agree to read and comply with our online safety policy.
We hope that you all have a lovely summer and we look forward to seeing you in September,
Mrs Hussein and Miss Heat

Below is the homework for Spring 1. If you have any questions, please come and ask.
Below are the spellings for spring 1
School Journey to Hindleap Warren 22nd-24th January
Please find links to the kit list and the medical forms below.
Please remember that we will be unable to take your child with us if the paperwork is not completed! Please ensure that it is returned to the office before the end of term.
Don't forget to come to the meeting on Wednesday 8th January at 3.30 in Cypress Class.
Welcome to our class page. We are really looking forward to teaching you lots of interesting and fun things this year. Our topic this half term is called 'Who do you think you are?' Look out for lots of images of our work and information about what we are up to in the weeks to come.
Miss Heat & Mrs Hussein