Meet the Governors
Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Minutes of the Governing Body meetings are available on request by contacting the school office.
Who's who in the King Alfred Governing Body.....
Specific Governor Information
Kate Bridgman
- Role: Chair of Governors, Parent Governor, Safeguarding & Child Protection SEND/Inclusion & LAC
- Committees: Resources, Standards, Pay
- Appointed: 02/01/2024 by the parents
- Term of Office: 4 years; Expires: 01/01/2028
- Business/Pecuniary Interests: None Declared
- Attendance at full governing body meetings over last academic year - Two
Elaine Thomas
- Role: Joint Vice Chair, Co-opted Governor, Chair of Finance Committee, EYFS link governor
- Committees: Resources, Standards
- Appointed: 05/12/2024 by KAF Governing body
- Term of Office: 4 years; Expires: 04/12/2028
- Business/Pecuniary Interests: Member of Aquinas Street Ltd
- Attendance at full governing body meetings over last academic year - Three
Rachel Eastwood
- Role: Joint Vice Chair, Co-opted Governor
- Committees: Resources, Standards
- Appointed: 17/03/2022 by KAF Governing body
- Term of Office: 4 years; Expires: 16/03/26
- Business/Pecuniary Interests:
- Attendance at full governing body meetings over last academic year - Three
Ray O'Neill
- Role: Chair of Standards, Co-opted Governor
- Committees: Resources, Standards
- Appointed: 17/03/2022 by KAF Governing body
- Term of Office: 4 years; Expires: 16/03/26
- Business/Pecuniary Interests:
- Attendance at full governing body meetings over last academic year - Two
George Kwasniewski
- Role: LA Governor
- Committees: Resources, Standards
- Appointed: 11/7/2021 by Local Authority
- Term of Office: 4 years; Expires: 10/7/2025
- Business/Pecuniary Interests: Consultancy work for Lewisham school services
- Attendance at full governing body meetings over last academic year - Two
Bekilda Pema
- Role: Staff Governor
- Committees: Resources, Standards
- Appointed: 08/02/2022 by KAF Staff
- Term of Office: 4 years; Expires: 07/02/2026
- Business/Pecuniary Interests: None Declared
- Attendance at full governing body meetings over last academic year - Three
Adam Pope
- Role: Parent Governor
- Committees: Resources, Standards, Pay
- Appointed: 02/01/2024 by the parents
- Term of Office: 4 years; Expires: 01/01/2028
- Business/Pecuniary Interests: None Declared
- Attendance at full governing body meetings over last academic year - One
Pat Barber
- Role: Co-opted Governor
- Committees: Resources, Standards
- Appointed: to be appointed at the meeting to be held on 13th March 2025
- Term of Office: 4 years
- Expires: to be confirmed
- Business/Pecuniary Interests: None Declared
- Attendance at full governing body meetings over last academic year – N/A
Kathryn Wong
- Role: Executive Headteacher
- Committees: Resources, Standards
- Appointed: N/A
- Term of Office: N/A
- Business/Pecuniary Interests: None Declared
- Attendance at full governing body meetings over last academic year - Three
Nathalie Dummer
- Role: Associate Governor (No Voting Rights) Federation Headteacher
- Committees: Resources, Standards
- Appointed: N/A
- Term of Office: N/A
- Business/Pecuniary Interests: Husband previously employed by PC Werth. Equipment supplied to Lewisham Hearing Impaired Service and K.A.F.
- Attendance at full governing body meetings over last academic year - Three