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Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page

Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Self-Isolation week beginning 12.07.2021

Class Teacher: Mrs Efrat

Class Teaching Assistant: Mrs Darnell

Class Email Address:

Good afternoon Mahogany class,

I hope you are all well and getting on with the various activities you have been asked to do, as well as enjoying some sunshine, only if you have a garden or balcony!

This is not quite how we had planned this, your second to last, week at Elfrida to pan out, but there are still things we would like to to be doing!!


1) Please make sure you do your Big Maths challenges as soon as you can.

2) Please complete a reading comprehension on First News each day.

3) If you haven't finished your leaver's comment, please do that and email to me via the class email.

4) Write a letter to next year's year 6 pupils to give them advise about Year 6 and what to expect; how to survive.

5) Practice for the talent show as best you can, especially if you are writing a poem or a rap, get it written and share with your group so they can learn it too.

6) Write a letter to yourself, about the highs and lows of primary school and what you wish you might have done differently or had achieved that you still struggle with.

7) Learn the words to 'See you Again' and 'Believe' in preparation for the Leavers' Ceremony (words below - I am still trying to work out how to get the music to you).

8) 30 minutes of daily exercise - videos below for you to follow.

9) Spend some quiet time doing yoga - videos below for you to follow.

10) Get creative and do some artwork.  I have uploaded some videos for you to follow but you can get as creative as you like.  Send me photographs of any artwork you do - I would love to see it.

11) Get baking or cooking (with adult supervision/permission) send in photos of what you make and the recipes so others can try them out too.


Thank you to those children who have sent me their leaver's comments already.  Please let me know if you need me to email you your leaver's comment to complete.  Stay safe and hopefully, we will all be back in school next week.  Let me know if you need any help with anything, by sending a message via the class email.


Remember, especially when we are all stuck at home, exercise is really important for our physical and mental wellbeing.  I am going to put some links below for exercises you can be doing at home; please make sure you spend at least half an hour each day doing some form of physical exercise.  It will make you feel so much better.


Also, for your mental health and wellbeing, make sure you put into practice some of the things we have covered during Wellbeing Wednesday sessions; make sure you have some quiet, relaxation time when you focus on the moment.  Do some of the breathing and focusing exercises we have learnt in class.  Do some Zentangles and take a photograph of them and email them to me.  I would love to see them.


Make sure spend time (30 minutes at least) somewhere comfortable and relaxing reading a book.



Lyrics to 'See you Again' and 'Believe'

Physical exercise

Make sure you do one of these workouts each day.  I look forward to hearing which are your favourite exercises!

Kids Daily Exercise - Day 1

Kids need to exercise everyday if they want to be healthy, strong and get rid of unwanted weight.Today's workout is Day 1 of our Daily Exercise for kids and ...


This is the second day of the belly and leg exercise plan for kids. Today they will continue the work started in the previous video with minor differences, b...


This is the third day of a fantastic exercise plan for kids. Completing the video sequence, this one was created with the best standing exercises to work the...

Kids Morning Workout - Kids Daily Exercises

If kids start exercising every morning as soon as they wake up that will help them burn more calories and get healthier as the metabolism receives a jumpstar...

PE With Joe 2021 | Wednesday 10th Feb

Yoga for Kids!

Follow along as Sophia Khan leads a fun and family-friendly introduction to yoga. You'll get to warm up, practice breathing and poses, and relax into a power...

Minecraft | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!

⭐ Sign up for FREE access to our Yoga Quest challenge where you print out fun maps & check-off yoga adventures:⭐ You'll...

Art activities

Apart from doing Zentangles, here are some more activities you can be doing.  Remember, art is also very good for your mental health and wellbeing.  Loose yourself in some creative activities.  I look forward to seeing photographs of the work you produce.  Send it to me via the class email.

How To Draw An Owl

Download our free how to draw an owl printable at just visit for more art for kids ac...

How To Draw A Cute Ice Cream Cone

Be careful today's lesson may get you really hungry! We're learning how to draw a cute ice cream cone. We hope you're going to follow along with us. This pro...

How To Draw A Shark Folding Surprise Puppet

Learn how to draw a shark folding surprise puppet! This is a super fun art project for any age. All you need is something to draw with, paper, and coloring s...

How To Draw A Karate Kid

Follow along with us and learn how to draw a karate kid doing a flying kick! Check out our t-shirt shop👩‍🎨 JOIN ...

Good morning Mahogany class,  


Hope you aren't all too disappointed about the football: the team did their very best and were resilient to the end.  We should be proud of them for getting as far as they did and for doing as well as they did.


This is not quite how we had planned this, your second to last, week at Elfrida to pan out, but there are still things we would like to to be doing!!


1) Please make sure you do your Big Maths challenges as soon as you can.

2) Please complete a reading comprehension on First News each day.

3) If you haven't finished your leaver's comment, please do that and email to me via the class email.

4) Write a letter to next year's year 6 pupils to give them advise about Year 6 and what to expect; how to survive.

5) Practice for the talent show as best you can, especially if you are writing a poem or a rap, get it written and share with your group so they can learn it too.

6) Write a letter to yourself, about the highs and lows of primary school and what you wish you might have done differently or had achieved that you still struggle with.


Please let me know if you need me to email you your leaver's comment to complete.  Stay safe and hopefully, we will all be back in school next week.  Let me know if you need any help with anything, by sending a message via the class email.