Today, Friday 13th May, we wore our pyjamas to Nursery for Pyjamarama Day. We were raising money for Booktrust. Thank you to all those who donated!
A BIG thank you to Isabella and her mum who looked after the caterpillars over the Easter holidays. You can see form the pictures that they became butterflies! Isabella enjoyed looking after them and set them free so they could go and explore the world!

Look at our lovely Easter Bonnets! Happy Easter everyone!
We have caterpillars in the Nursery! We are watching them change, making diaries and we have been learning about the lifecycle of the caterpillar to a butterfly! You can see a photos of them below - they are just about to make a cocoon around themselves! Came back in a few days to see other photos of them in their cocoon houses.
We came to school wearing red for Red Nose Day 2022!
Here are our pictures from Children in Need Day 2021. Thank you to everyone who got involved!
Look at all the fun learning we have been doing this week. We have been making hedgehog pictures with leaves to add to our Autumn / Winter display, we have been learning all about the number 1 and the letter a and we have been thinking about colours this week. We have painted rainbows and sorted objects into different colours. We have also been exploring different patterns that can be made in shaving foam and practicing writing our names! Have a look at some of our pictures.
On November 11th we did some activities around Remembrance Day. We thought about what it was and what we think about on this day. We made some poppies to display in the classroom and we coloured in pictures of poppies. We also watched the cbeebies 'Poppies' video and watched a video about a little girl who was learning all about the war. The links are in the 'home learning' section if you would like to watch them again at home.
Some pictures of what the Nursery children have been enjoying, exploring and learning about this week. We have been celebrating Diwali. We coloured rice and made our own Rangoli patterns and made Divas from paper plates. We also made firework pictures and spoke about being safe if we are watching a firework display.
We showed Racism the Red car in Nursery. We came to school wearing red.

Look at the wonderful picture sent in by Jack. It shows how tall his sunflower has grown since he took it home before the summer holidays! Wow Jack, you must have looked after it really well!
Look what we have been learning and exploring in Nursery recently!!
On Friday 15th October, we celebrated International Day. The children came in traditional dress, we made flags representing the countries of children in Nursery and we also did some dancing. Have a look at our pictures below.