Beech - Year 5
Well we have almost come to the end of Year 5.
Beech class have been an absolute pleasure to teach.
I would like to say a huge THANK YOU for all of your hard work in making sure that your child's homework is in on time.
I would also like to say THANK YOU for accompanying us on our day visits to places of interest over the year too as without you, it would not have been possible to have such joyous occasions.
Thank you and have a safe summer.
Mrs Mullarkey
Homework for September 2017 Mahogany
Well it is almost the end of the year and Beech class have been an absolute pleasure to teach!
They have worked so hard and we have been on some great trips.
I would like to say a big THANK YOU for helping your child with your homework and accompanying us on out day trips .
Here you can see the children thinking like scientists and trying to work out how their marble runs can make a marble run for the longest amount of time from start to finish.
We then collected the evidence and worked out the average timing for each run.
This week, our school took part in designing and making marble runs in the classroom.
Beech class worked in groups of 3. Each team had to design and test their marble run and improve it
to see which team could make the marble stay on the marble run the longest!!
Youseff, Archie and Lewis' team - called the Diamond Marbles won!
Well done boys.
May 17th temple visit - here are some pictures of the statues and the children inside Sivan Temple
Sivan Temple visit May 17th 2017
Last week, Year five visited the Sivan temple in Lewisham (Clarendon Rise).
Beech class behaved impeccably and they were extremely focussed when the volunteer told us
stories about Hinduism and all about the gods and goddesses.
These pictures show how beautiful the carvings on the temple are.
The Curriculum leaflet for this term
Could you please give your child newspapers as we will be making Mayan masks this term.
Thank you!
Welcome back to the summer term.
I hope you have had a well deserved rest. Now that Beech class have been back for three days, it seems like we have never been away.
The summer holidays will be here before we know it.
I just wanted to let you all know that our class assembly will be on Thursday 4th May, commencing at 10.30am.
We look forward to seeing you all there. It is a time to celebrate all of the children's hard work.
Beech class made gloop and a foaming monster during science this term.
The children had to follow instructions and then make gloop, using household food and other items.
I hope that you still have your washing up liquids left!
May I take this time to wish you and all of your families a peaceful and restful Easter.
I look forward to seeing the children in the summer term, after a well deserves break, they have all worked extremely hard this year.
Best wishes,
Miss Mullarkey.
Spring leaflet
Please don not forget that our assembly will be at 10.25 on Thursday 26th January 2017.
You can see how hard Beech class have been working over the year!
Scenes from "The Piano"
Our English lesson was all about a short animated film called "The Piano".
Here are the children freeze framing some of the scenes.
Beech class have been investigation how to separate mud from water as part of our science topic -materials and their properties.
Here, you can see the children planning their investigations and then investigating how their ideas worked.
Our science investigation, the winners whom were able to make the cleanest water were: Sab, Diana, Mia, Amir and Daisy. Well done!!
Happy New Year!
Tomorrow is our last visit to Sedgehill.
The children have enjoyed all of the learning that they did there.
It was a fantastic experience for all of us.
Times tables are very important for maths.
Therefore, I have included a link on the homework icon (yellow star) for your child to click onto and practise.
Have fun!!
Pizza Express visit to Beckenham on Wednesday 30th November 2016
Lullingstone Roman Villa trip 14th November 2016
Today, Year 5 went to Eynsford, in Kent to visit a Roman villa (which was built circa 100 AD).
It was added to over the next three hundred years and there remains and now we saw artefacts that were excavated nearly two thousand years later!
The villa was discovered in 1939 and then was excavated ten years by archaeologists and the objects that are on show are amazing to see.
Our curriculum leaflet for this term
Teacher: Miss Mullarkey
Support Staff: Mrs Cripps, Ms Roberts and Mr Langdon
Welcome back to a new year!
I am delighted to let you know that Beech class have settled in tremendously well and are looking
forward to a Year of exciting work.
This is just a reminder that Beech class will be holding their class assembly on Thursday 6th October
at 10.30am. This will give the children an opportunity to show you some of the work that they have
been doing since the beginning of the term.