If you are looking to apply for Elfrida Primary School outside of Nursery or Reception (i.e. if your child(ren) already attend another school), you will need to make an "In-Year Admission" application.
We do not process in year admissions within the school; you will need to apply directly to Lewisham Council. For further information and details on how to apply, please click here. You will need to complete an iCAF (In-Year Common Transfer Form), which you can find on Lewisham Council's website. This form should be completed and submitted directly to Lewisham Admissions.
We currently have spaces available in several of our year groups. If you are considering joining us, please make your application and state that we are your preferred school. If you would like to view the school, please email the school office here or call 0208 698 5755, and we will happily show you around.