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Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Work and Activities



We are starting our work on Growing and Spring and so this week our work is based on the story of Jack and The Beanstalk. You will find the Home Learning Grid with lots of practical ideas for activities to do at home and some worksheets below. They are also on Microsoft Teams, so you can upload the work there too.


It is also BOOK WEEK this week and WORLD BOOK DAY on Thursday. You will also find some activities to complete around this. The most important things is to read lots of books and talk about them with your grown ups at home. Maybe you would like to take a photo of yourself reading your favourite book?


Please do keep sending in your photos to us via the Nursery email address and if you need any support please do get in touch. Well done to all Nursery children and parents for all of your hard work and patience since Lockdown began - we can't wait to welcome you back to Nursery very soon!

Book Week 2021 Activities - Get someone to take a photo of you reading a book and send it into the Nursery email address. I can make a display ready for when you come back to Nursery!




We hope that you have all had a good half term holiday and that if you made pancakes, you enjoyed eating them! Please find below the work set for this week for home learning. As usual there is a variety of different practical activities to do on the home learning grid and some worksheets to accompany the work. We will be focusing on the story of Goldilocks this week. Please do send in any work you complete by taking a photo or through Teams. Also please use the Nursery email if you have any questions or problems. 


Each week we will post ideas and activities that you can complete with your child at home. This half term we are focusing on stories by Julia Donaldson, such as Stickman, The Gruffalo, The Gruffalo's Child, Zog, Room on the Broom and The Snail and the Whale. We will focus on a different book each week. If you have any of those stories, please do read them to your child but you can also find the films of the books on the BBC iplayer. If you have any questions about the work please do get in touch via the Nursery email.  







This week the work is based on the story of Mr Wolf's Pancakes. You can listen to the story on Youtube or a link to a video of Mez reading the story will be texted to you! You can also find the link in the 'videos' section. Remember you can come and collect a paper pack from the school office if you need one. Copies of this work can also be found on Teams. You can edit the page and send it in for Mez to mark. Please do send photos of the work you have been doing into the Nursery email address. Have a great week and I hope to see you on the live sessions - look out for a text telling you when they will be!  

Below is the work you will need for this week. The book focus is on Zog this week! Have fun and remember to send in your photos to the Nursery email address.
You will find below the work for this week. The book focus is 'Room on the Broom' so the activities are based around this story. The phonics for this week is the letter sound p. There are also daily Literacy and Language activities and Maths activities too. I have included some playdough recipes at the bottom of the list for any of you who would like to make some for yourself. As usual, all of these activities are on Teams and you can upload any work completed or pictures of activities to Teams or email them to the Nursery email address. Look out for story sessions on Teams this week that your child can join. 

This week - week beginning 18.01.21 - the home learning is based around the story of The Smeds and Smoos by Julia Donaldson. There is the weekly Literacy and Language activities as well as the maths activities and lots of links to websites to help.

I have included some worksheets too which you can print off if you have a printer at home, but there are plenty of activities to do on the grid that do not need a printer or worksheets! Hope you have fun and remember to send in your photos so we can see what you have been doing!

This grid will also be on Teams and look out for invites for some live sessions this week.

Find below the work for the week beginning 11.01.21 which is based around The Gruffalo story. I have added on the home learning, and also some worksheets if you are able to print them off. If not, please don't worry, there are plenty of practical activities to do that do not require the sheets.

Week Beginning 04.01.21 - Stickman