Cedar - Year 1
Surrey Docks Farm 24.5.16
NEW...curriculum letter hot off the press
I hope everyone had a relaxing Easter holiday! We are now in our final term of Year 1 and believe me...Year 2 will come round very quickly!
Just a few quick reminders:
PE is outdoors on Tuesdays so please make sure children have appropriate shoes in the PE kit. Indoor PE is on Thursdays, shorts would be better for these sessions as it can get quite warm in the hall.
Our class assembly will be on Thursday 28th April, it is always lovely to see as many of you there as possible supporting the children.
Our class trip this half term is to Surrey Docks Farm. Cedar class will be going on Tuesday 24th May; you will receive a letter about this nearer the time so don't panic.
In Year 1 our priority this half term is to improve the spelling results. A large number of children are really struggling to get a majority of their spellings correct on a Friday. Please support your child when they are learning their spellings at home. It will boost their confidence when they start improving each week.
If you have any questions about what your child is learning this half term, or any ways in which you can help your child at home, please don't hesitate to come and talk to myself of Miss Middleweek.
Thank you for your continued support
Mrs Cripps
Teacher: Mrs Cripps
Support Staff: Ms Middleweek, Miss C
We made our own audio books. We used PowerPoint to turn our favourite Fairy Tales into audio books. We added sound effects to the story to make it more interesting.

Sleeping Beauty template.wmv

Cinderella template.wmv

Red Riding Hood template.wmv

Sleeping Beauty template.wmv

Check out our new curriculum letter
Welcome back!!
Welcome back Cedar class. We hope you had a lovely break!
This half term is going to be full of fun and exciting things, so make sure you have got your learning hats on.
We are planning a couple of trips this half term; one to the local church to support our Religious Education studies, and one to the Geffrye Museum in Hackney to consolidate the work we will be doing on 'Homes'. Parents - if any of you are keen to come and help out with either or both of these trips please come and speak to Mrs Cripps or Miss Middleweek.
Well done to all the children who have already bought their PE kits back in. We had lots of fun skipping outside this week!
Remember PE kits for next week please...our new PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Lastly...children need to bring reading book and WOW books in everyday and WOW books need to be completed twice a week - 1 picture and 1 bit of writing. We have found that children who complete WOW books progress in the reading much faster than those children who don't complete them.
We are all looking forward to working hard to make this half term memorable!
Mrs Cripps, Miss Middleweek and Miss C
Children to start using computers to complete maths homework!!
The work we put on Abacus is geared towards helping children consolidate what they have learnt over the previous week. Completing this work is extremely important.
We use a programme called 'Abacus'. There are lots of games we have set to develop maths skills. If you haven't had a go please check it out.
Have a look at the website - https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/
The login for every child is their first name (no capitals)
The password for every child is school
The school code for every child is elfr.
We will update the activities regularly and check which children are up to date with the tasks set.
If your child doesn't have access to the internet at home please come and speak to me so we can arrange provision for your child to complete the activities in school.
Have fun!!!
Patrick Heron inspired pictures for Maths and Arts week