Acacia - Reception
Teacher: Mrs Ngwa
Support Staff: Miss Mulligan
Coming up!
Acacia's Class Assembly will be on Thursday 16th March at 3pm! Please come and support the children as they show you a bit about what they have been learning.
Trip to the Unicorn Theatre
Our trip to the Unicorn Theatre will be on the 29th March. Please ensure your child is wearing school uniform and dressed appropriately for the weather.
The children have been retelling the story to each other and have enjoyed role playing traditional tales in our new Fairy Tales Castle! It looks fantastic!
In Maths we have been doing lots of number work and the children have been working very well to recognise teen numbers and working on finding one more or less than a given number.
We have started streaming for phonics with Year 1 and 2 every day. Thank you for sending in your child early as we recieved the early bird this week- this allowed them the chance to get as much out of their phonics sessions as possible from 9:05 every morning.
Don't forget to ensure your child has their P.E. kit back in school ready for P.E on Tuesday!
More Reminders!
Thursday 15th at 2pm is our Nativity Performance. Please buy tickets from the main office!
If you are not sure what your child should be wearing for the performance, please speak to Miss Edwards!
Friday 16th is Elf day where staff and children come to school dressed up as Elves!
And on Monday 19th, is our Christmas Jumper Day!