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Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page Elfrida Primary School - King Alfred Federation home page

Elfrida Primary School

Success for today; prepared for tomorrow. Nothing is beyond our reach.

Secondary school information 24-25

Secondary School Applications: Deadline-  TUESDAY 31ST OCTOBER 2023


Dear parents,

Please find below the link for secondary school open day dates for pupils who are to begin secondary school in September 2024.


All parents who have a child in year 6 must apply for secondary school places by October 31st. Applications to Lewisham schools can be made through admissions   The application sessions will open on 1st September.


Staff at Elfrida will be available to support you with your application on specific dates or on request. We will be holding our Year 6 secondary Meeting on Tuesday 17th September 3:30pm.


Lewisham Council are holding a secondary advice session on Wednesday 25th September in the Civic Centre at 5:00pm. Free tickets must be purchased through eventbrite.

We encourage all parents to attend.

The school is sent a small number of secondary school brochures from the local authority and/or you can download an online version below.

Applying for a secondary school place in Lewisham - Essential tips

A quick guide for applying for secondary school place in Lewisham. For further information visit

Secondary school offers-Information for parents


  • results for on time applications: Monday 3 March 2025 (you will get an email in the evening telling you where your child has been offered a place)
  • deadline for accepting your offer: Monday 17 March 2025 (If you applied via the eAdmissions website you must accept the offer online - you should keep a record of your login details)

Starting secondary school in Lewisham

When applying to start secondary school, it's important to learn about as many schools as you can. We asked parents and pupils at some of our secondaries to give their thoughts on starting Year 7 in the borough of Lewisham.