Pine - Year 2
Teacher: Miss Heat
Support Staff: Miss Gregory
Hello and welcome to our class page!
Please look out for regular updates.
This week we based some of our learning around the Royal family in preparation of the Queen's 90th birthday celebrations. We discussed each member of the royal family and spoke about things such as; their age, their jobs, whether they are married or not and if so, who to etc. We made a cake for Friday's celebrations, as well as a crown to wear for our Royal assembly. Below are some images that were taken throughout the week.
Queen's 90th Birthday Celebrations:
The children were set science homework during half term and they were asked to create a poster all about space or a chosen planet. The children were very creative and produced some lovely posters. Well done Pine Class!
Science Homework:
Today was sports day for the children of Elfrida and we had a fantastic day. We participated in many activities such as Long Jump, Hurdles, Javelin, Sack Race, Discus, Ball and Spoon race, Relay and the 75m sprint. Each and every one of us were amazing team players and we really did show others our athletic side today. An extra big thank you to all the parents who came to watch and took part in the adult races.
Sports day fun:
Today, both Year 2 classes went to the park for a picnic to celebrate the end of their SATs. We had lots of fun in the swing park despite the cloud and rain shower and we really enjoyed our picnic together. What a well deserved, fun day we all had!!! Below are pictures of us enjoying our day.
Picnic at the park
Today we got to visit the chicks that have recently hatched in school. We got the chance to hold them and were very careful. We treated them like tiny babies and they loved us holding them so much that they decided to nap in our hands. Below are some pictures!
The cute Chicks
This week is sports science week and today we had the opportunity to take park in a Kung Fu workshop. We learnt lots of new moves and were able to practice these with a partner. Please take a look below.
Kung Fu workshop
In our literacy lesson today, we focused on the story of The Pied Piper of Hamlin which focuses on the importance of happiness over greed. We had a discussion about the story and then the children carried out drama in groups to retell the story in their own words. Later on in the day we chose one character from the story and then wrote the story in our own words from a different perspective. Below are some images of our role play.
The Pied Piper of Hamlin acting:
Wow! Look at how much our broad bean plants have grown after 4 weeks...
Our plants:
Today was our class assembly. We got to share some of our writing activities with our adults such as story writing, instructions, poems and persuasive letters. We also showed our parents the different ways we work out the answers to number sentences involving all four operation without using any physical resources. Finally, we had the opportunity to show everyone the plants that we have been growing in class. Please see below for images.
Our Class Assembly
In literacy today, we focused on the story Little Red Riding Hood. We read the story together as a class and then discussed the key parts of the story and any important key words/phrases we noted down. After that we got into small groups and retold the story through role play. We found this very useful because it helped us to write the story in our own words once we returned to our tables. We were asked to include exclamation sentences, questions, commands and expanded noun phrases and we did a fantastic job!
Little Red Riding Hood
21.04.16 - Science learning:
Our topic in science this half term is called 'How does your garden grow' and we are learning all about plants. Today we planted our very own broad beans and then had a discussion in class about what our seed needs in order to germinate. We also predicted how much our plant would grow in length and the time it would take to grow to our estimated length. Please see below for images of us looking very proud with our broad bean.
Our plants:
19.04.16 - Learning in RE:
Our topic in RE this half term is all about food. Today we learnt all about Jesus and the Last Supper. We spoke all about his followers and the different foods that Jesus and his friends ate during the Last Supper. After that, in groups we acted in role to retell the story of Jesus and the Last Supper in our own words using thoughts and feelings. Please see below for images of us in action!
Pictures of us acting:
Please take a look at our most recent Curriculum Information leaflet for the Summer 1 term. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Miss Heat
13.04.16 - Half term homework
During half term the children were asked to create their own shoe box gardens or a personalised drawing of a garden. They were asked to include features such as plants, sun and rain etc. This is linked to our science topic for this half term 'Plants'. The children have produced pieces of amazing homework and are all very excited to show it off. Please see below for images of the children's homework.
Half term homework:
23.03.16 - Easter performance.
We have spent a lot of time rehearsing for our Easter performance with Year 3. All of our hard work paid off and all the parents that came to watch our performance enjoyed it very much! Please see below for some images of us in action!
Easter Performance
18.03.16 - Sport Relief
At school today, we celebrated Sport Relief. We had the opportunity to come into school dressed up as our favourite sports personality to raise money for those less fortunate. We also completed an obstacle course at school. The obstacle course included skipping, hurdle jumping, hula hooping, climbing, throwing and jumping. Below are some pictures of us in action!
Keeping fit for Sports Relief!
18.03.16 - Our learning this week.
This week has been very fun and exciting in class!
In Literacy, we have been focusing our learning around the book Georges Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. We all worked sensibly to create our own marvellous medicine by using ingredients similar to what George used. These include: shower gel, rabbit poo (sultanas), dishwasher salt (sugar), mouldy bread, animal pills (cake sprinkles), brown paint, nail varnish (red paint), and chilli jam (jelly). We made notes on whiteboards as we went along to help us write up our instructions afterwards. We had so much and we produced fantastic instructions with adverbs, imperative verbs and time conjunctions. Please see below for pictures.
In Numeracy, we have been focusing on estimating measuring lengths in M and CM, capacity in Ml and L and measuring the weight of both heavy and lightweight items in Grams and Kilograms. We had lots of fun using various resources to help us measure. Please see below for images.
Pictures showing some of our learning this week:
World Book Week:
Today in class we dressed up as characters from our favourite book. Everyone looked fantastic!! Although everyone looked great, there could only be one prize for the best effort and that went to Lillie-Rose. Well done!
Also, we were asked to create a book corner based on the book we were focusing on this week. We focused on the text called The Magic Bed by Author John Burningham and we decided to turn our very own book corner into a magic bed! Victoria has already tested it out and said it's very comfy! I wonder what magical adventure Victoria went on in our magic bed?
World Book Day and Book Corner!
22.02.16 - Homework
During the holidays, we were asked to make or draw a well known attraction from a country of our choice using different materials. Here are some examples of our fantastic work...
Our attractions
We have been working so hard to produce work for our class display board. We are really pleased with the outcome. Do you like it? See below for pictures.
The Twits Display
11.02.16 - Class assembly
This afternoon we had our class assembly and lots of our parents and other classes came to watch us. We shared some of our literacy writing as well as a song we have been learning in class. Please look at the images and video below.
Our class assembly pictures
05.02.16 - Our learning this week - Please see below for images:
This week was a very busy week! In literacy, we carried on reading The Twits and are very sad because the book is coming to an end. We continued to produce more writing such as recounts, and writing a new chapter all about Muggle-Wump and Roly Poly bird. We also began to write out some of our work to go on display.
In numercay, we focused on number sequences and towrads the end of the week we moved on to measuring lengths using a ruler. All children worked very well and found measuring in particulay, very exciting!
In music, we worked in pairs to created music and procude our own graphic scores. All children worked very well together and enjoyed the challange. We have also been continuing to practise our song for our upcoming class assembly.
Finally, we went on a school trip to the Maritime Museum in Greenwich yesterday and all the children enjoyed all the fun and exciting things we learnt. WE got to explore the time travellers section and find out what life was like during WWI. The children produced really detailed recounts of their school trip experience so please feel free to ask them about their day!
Images from this week:
On 3rd February we had a meeting for the parents of all of Year 2 children in the hall. We spoke about the new expectations for children at the end of this year.
Please see below for the Powerpoint that Miss Cartwright did. If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to come in and ask!
29.01.16 - Our learning this week:
Here is some information about our learning in class this week. Please see below for images.
Literacy - We are still focusing on The Twits and enjoying it very much! This week we have been writing a recount, acting in role as Muggle-Wump (one of the caged monkey's in Mr and Mrs Twit's garden). We really enjoyed acting and afterwards we were able to write our thoughts and feelings in role as Muggle-Wump using dialogue. Towards the end of the week, we focused on writing a postcard/letter in the role of Muggle-Wump to his friends in the African jungle. We foucused on the use of adverbs and contractions and we challanged ourselves by using paragraphs in our letters.
Numeracy: This week we foused on analogue and digital time. We began the week learning how to use a clock and getting used to telling different times. We then moved on to adding times on to a given time and writing the answer in the form of a digital clock. By the end of the week we worked hard to answer time word problems in pairs and independently.
Topic: This week in topic we have been learning all about the life and disappearance of Amelia Earhart. After listening carefully and learning lots on the carpet, we completed a quiz by answering questions all about her life. We also discussed various possibilities regarding her disappearance.
Pictures of our learning this week:
22.01.16 - Good news!
We had a full week of green card days!!! Woo Hoo
Pine Class would just like to let everyone know that we stayed on a green card all week because of our fantastic behaviour.
We had the biggest smiles on our faces when we recieved our special certificate from Ms Newton at the end of today. We are more determined than ever to get a second week of full green card days!
22.01.16 - Our learning this week:
We have had another busy week in Pine Class! Here is some information about what we have been up to this week. We have included pictures of the learning in class below the information. Enjoy!
In literacy, we have been continuing our topic of The Twits and there has been lots of laughter over the chapters we have read. We have been focusing on 1st person writing and have produced diary entries from the view point of Mrs Twit.
We have also been writing letters to the RSPCA to express our concern over the way Mr and Mrs Twit treat their animals. Our success criteria for our letter writing was to use different conjunctions and to include exclamations. We recieved house points and stickers if these were included in our writing.
In numeracy, we have been focusing on multiplication.
We have been working hard to work out the answers to various multiplications in the times tables without using any classroom rescources.
We spent the beginning of the week working out multiplication number sentences by carrying out repeated addition. We then moved on to working out the answers by drawing our own numberlines and counting our jumps. Once we felt confident, we then used this method to work out the missing number in multiplication number sentences.
Towards the end of the week we moved on to using the arrays method, which we also used to help us work out multiplication word problems.
We are well on our way to becoming budding mathematicians!!
In science, we have been focusing on the importance of recycling and we have been coming up with lots of different ideas about how we can recycle our old plastic bottles by turning them into new items/objects.
After learning all about recycling, Lillie-Rose went home and did a spot of recycling of her own. She turned an empty milk carton into a wishing well. How cool is that!! We now have it on display in our classroom.
Music with Miss Macbean has been as fun and exciting as ever! This week, we had the oppertunity to make musical instruments of our own using cardboard and straws. We had to cut our straws at different lengths which we did carefully using a ruler and scissors. Once we made our instruments we were able to produce our own high and low pitches.
We were also very keen to show them off to our adults!
After our busy but fun filled week, our teacher has decided to let us have 2 days off school (hehe).
Have a great weekend everyone!
Pictures of us learning in class this week:
22.01.16 - Class awards this week:
Star of the week - This goes to Ryan for his constant hard work and listening in class.
Mathematician of the week - This goes to Skye for working really hard during maths this week and solving unknown multiplications using new methods learnt.
Writer of the week - This goes to Victoria for working very hard to improve the quality her handwriting and using different conjunctions.
Class award winners:
15.01.16 - Our learning this week:
I couldn't be more proud of Pine Class this week.
They have all worked so hard and produced amazing pieces of work.
In literacy, we have been continuing our topic of The Twits and the children have been acting out scenes from the book as well as produce lots of lovely writing . We focused our drama around the chapter 'The Wormy Spaghetti' which i'm sure you can imagine was very fun to watch!
All the children enjoyed performing and watching each other! They also thought of, and produced their own story about Mrs Twit going on an adventure. All children tried their hardest to include contractions in their writing (this has been one of our main focus areas this week) and we will continue to work on them throughout the upcoming weeks.
Please see below for pictures of the children's fantastic efforts.
In numeracy this week, we have been working very hard and learning all about fractions. We focused on both mixed and whole fractions and the children worked out various fractions of given numbers. Below are some examples of the children's work.
Miss MacBean has been working very hard to plan and prepare music lessons for us to learn each week.
This week we were focusing on recognising high and low pitches and the children had a chance to explore these pitches with both their voices and musical instruments.
We are looking forward to learning a new class song in the upcoming weeks.
We have a few images displayed below for you to look at.
Thank you Miss MacBean!
Examples of the learning and hard work produced this week!
15.01.16 - The class awards for this week goes to:
Lillie-Rose - Star of the Week! This is for all of her fantastic efforts in all areas of her learning, especially her spellings!! Well done.
Amelia - Writer of the Week! This is for her amazing writing produced in literacy. Well done Amelia.
Calum - Mathematician of the Week! For his dedication and hard work on working out a fraction of given numbers independently. Keep up the great work Calum.
Class award winners!
A very big well done to the amazing Pine class for working so hard during their first week back to school after the holidays.
We have started a new topic in Literacy and we are focusing our learning around the book The Twits by the famous author Roald Dahl. Children, if you are reading this, are you able to come and tell me who the illustrator of The Twits is when you next come in to school (10 house points if you can)?
The children have really enjoyed what we have read of the book so far and have produced some great work. They have particularly enjoyed creating a recipe and a set of instructions for a 'disgusting dish'.
This weeks Star of the week goes to Ryan for working hard all week in all lessons and also for listening carefully in class without getting distracted! Well done Ryan!!!
Well done Pine class, keep up the good work!
Miss Heat
Please take a look at our most recent Curriculum Information leaflet for the Spring 1 term. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Miss Heat
13.11.15 - We would like to say a big well done to the children that won a prize for all of their hard work this week:
Star of the day - Hope
Star of the week - Francis
Writer of the week - Fayth
Mathematician of the week - Millie
Your hard work in particular has stood out this week and we are very proud! Keep up the good work.
Miss Heat and Miss Gregory
13.11.15 - Today was dress up day for the children of Elfrida and they were asked to dress up as someone who is their hero for Comic Relief. All the children looked fantastic, especially Hope who dressed up as me (her teacher) and looked like my little double walking around school. It was a very proud teacher moment. Also, Temidayo who went all out dressed in a suit and bow tie to look like his personal hero, Rowan Atkinson. Thank you for your donations towards Comic Relief!
Please see below for the pictures of the children all dressed up with their big smiles!!